I swear, I shuddered in my seat just at the sight. Each dirty thought had ran through my mind practically teasing me, and all I could do was sit in the passenger side, holding in every ounce of it.

Who would've thought someone singing could be a source of excitement down to the core. At this point I was so squeamish I had to reposition myself and stop gawking at Harry.

I kept my eyes ahead of me, my hands folded and my thighs...well as tightly held together as possible. Hoping they'd just mold together themselves.

Then he did it. He fucking nonchalantly put his hand on my thigh and had zero intention of having sex with me.

What an asshole.

He kept his hand there, tapping his fingers to the beat of the music.

My cheeks had turned the deepest shade of red. He rubbed my leg, smiling at me as he warbled.

The pit of my stomach became a mess of butterflies, everything inside of me heated and throbbing. I couldn't take this much longer, I needed him and I didn't want to wait.

"Pull over," I mumbled.


"Har, pull over, hurry up." If you think I'm making him pull over for a certain reason, then you are absolutely right.

Don't be so critical. We're in the emptiest part of LA at nine. And before anyone falls into pit of worry, this is my car. Which means there's contraceptives at hand. You should always be prepared...

He pulled into an empty lot and parked. "Luna what's wrong?"

I hastily pulled off my seat belt and gripped the collar of his shirt, attatching my lips to his. I wouldn't doubt it if he could feel my supposed female boner right now.

He had no problem reciprocating, although he was taken back at first, his hand managed to find its way to my waist.

It was hard to maneuver around such a small space with a cast on but I'll damned if I don't get something out of this.

Harry deepened the kiss, pushing himself more into it. The scruff from his face scratching at my chin, which I could never mind.

His breath hitched as I glided my hand down his chest, grasping on to anything I could. He brought his hands to the back of my thighs and helped me swing a leg over so that I could straddle his waist.

He may have not felt my lust for him but I sure as hell felt his.

Both his hands ventured my body as he kissed my jaw, and worked his way down. I let out a soft moan, entangling my fingers into his curls. His gorgeous short curls.

He brought his lips back to mine, my hips grinding slightly against his. He let out a deep throaty groan, nails digging into my skin firmly.

Our tongues battled for dominance, Harry thrusting his hips slightly and bringing mine down just to close the proximity.

"Fuck, Luna," he moaned into the crook of my neck, something that could've pushed me over the edge in a heartbeat.

I could feel my eyes roll to the back of my head as his mouth played on my neck.

His hands traveled to the button of my jeans, inching closer to my...actual button.

My mind wandered off for a brief moment, coming back to the sudden remembrance that I my body was on a blood cycle.

What if it grossed him out and he decides not to? I'm grossed out thinking about it.

I grabbed his hand before he could completely gain access. "Wait," I whispered, regaining my breath.

"What, is everything okay?"

His chest fell and rose as his fingers brushed the hair out of my face.

"I-I'm still on my uh, my period."

I sheepishly bowed my head, embarrassed that I had said it. My attention snapped back to him as he chuckled.


He smiled, eyes squinting and hand placed under my chin.

"Nothing as minor as that could prevent me from sharimg a pleasurable experience with such a beautiful woman."

A small smile took its place on my face, falling into a fit of laughter as he planted sweet kisses on my neck.

"Now, may we continue?" He said chuckling to which I nodded happily and no sooner felt the warmth of him all over my body.


Alright so I read the comments😂

I love that there's interaction with the story, it makes it so enjoyable for me and they make me laugh and smile.


I saw someone had a comment concerning the use of protection between Harry and Luna.

They do use protection!! I just didn't think to mention so during that scene, so in dedication to you, I've thrown in that detail😂💕

Seriously though, your comments are the best and I hope you never stop, I couldn't ask for better.

Much love, much appreciation💛

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