#1 : Intro

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"Yeah Mum?" I answered sounding innocent, as i wanted to rip my hair out. This is the fifth time in an hour,
"Maria, please start cooking the food, your father is coming soon." she ordered.
Mum usually did the cooking and the cleaning of the living room, kitchen while i took the bedrooms and the toilet, but she had been sick for 2 days and I am obliged to do all the work alone.
Although i don't express my emotions, anger is firing up in me, I can't take her anymore. I never find any time for myself, i always give my effort to either my father or mother, and i felt envious of my friends who actually went out and had fun, unlike me, stuck at home with my sick father and mother.
I had a couple of friends who lived next door, Jessie and Rebecca.
Jessie was a good friend, i always trust her with my secrets, we've been friends since we were both 3 years old. Now that we are older, 14 years of friendship had proven that we both were designed to become one another's back to lean on. We had a lot of sleepovers, and my parents were friends with hers. However, Rebecca was new to our neighborhood, therefore, she is actually more open minded and goes to study in a school in the city, and her parents didn't get along perfectly with mine and with Jessica's. Her parents were the open-minded parents, they let her go out, get educated and most importantly to become friends with boys.
I went to my room to tie my hair so I can start cooking, I stood a couple of seconds in front of the mirror, I noticed that my long blonde hair became weak at the endings, ugh! I grabbed the hair tie and headed to the kitchen.

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