You're Not My Enemy

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It seemed like a normal mundane morning for every resident of the Salvatore school. Well, a stressful morning as they had their tests. All students had their faces stuffed in textbooks as they muttered words and slurred information. Almost all of them had been up since last night. So you can say they wanted, needed, sleep.

And they were getting it. Many students had fallen asleep with their faces in the books and drools all over the pages. Only to be stuck a never ending nightmare.

At first, no one noticed. But they did when almost everyone slept and couldn't wake up without somehow hurting themselves in the dream and hence, in real life.

It first came to light when it happened with almost half of the student body and the twins. They were not in the same nightmare but they were in each other's nightmares. They couldn't wake up unless they hurt themselves severely.

Then it targeted Hope, Izel, Alaric and Rafael. Who also gave them a description of what the monster looked like.


It was twelve in the afternoon now and there was an emergency evacuation underway at the Salvatore School. To make sure the students weren't harmed by whatever this new monster is.

Only a handful people stayed to help. Alaric himself, Hope, Izel, MG, Penelope and Landon.

The twins had gone to see Caroline off at the airport as she had to go on another recruitment mission. But before that they will spend some time with Caroline so they could be away from this new monster in the process too. So they weren't going to be back anytime soon.


Their plan was very simple. Find out what this monster is and kill it without falling asleep once.

Though this task seemed impossible for pretty much everyone except Hope and Izel as they were the only ones not awake since yesterday, but they all tried their best.

As Alaric decided to work alone, there were two groups whose task was to find and kill this new threat. The first group included, Izel, MG and Penelope and the second included, Hope and Landon.

As Izel wanted to stay far away from Landon and especially from them together, she had chosen the other group. And Landon had chosen Hope as he would've gotten turned to ash with Penelope.

One group would research on one side of the library while the other would on the other side. Making it easier to search every book in the library for the woman in a black veil seen by many in their dreams if need be.


It was high noon now and MG was swinging back and forth between all the books.

"Any leads?" Izel asked her two sleepy companions.

"I just found some friendly spirits and creatures like the Sandman-" MG started but Penelope added before he could finish,

"And a Baku"

MG continued, "Yeah. But no monsters that matches the description" he replied nodding.

"And those too took too long to find" Penelope added.

MG nodded.

"Well we have to continue. So keep on reading, I guess" Izel said and everyone went back to their researching.

After 2 hours of useless, unnecessary and downright out of topic creatures, no one had still found anything helpful and were on the verge of falling over more.

"Hey! Don't fall asleep!!" Penelope hissed at MG, making him sit straight up.

"I'm trying! But I've been awake since yesterday as Dr. Saltzman decided to still take that test no one studied for! And all I wanna do is, close my eyes, and go to sle...." he slurred as he closed his eyes in the process too.

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