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Dear Diary, 

I made my choice! It was very difficult, I realize now that I should have seen all these things before but I was too wrapped up in my own drama. Stefan has been gone for more than a week now, with no call no text or communication of any kind, I hope he's ok. Jeremy has been out alot. When I ask him where he goes when he is not in school, he tells me he was just hanging out here and there. I know he has been doing alot of talking with Damon but there is definately something else going on with him. Speaking of Damon he seems to be thawing out. I fell for the guy he is now and I'm going to tell him today i would like to be with him, if he wants me still. Well I'm gonna go talk to him now be home later.


After putting my diary away I grabbed my purse, keys, and my phone and got in Jenna's car. I pulled up at the at the boarding house to see only Damon's car in the driveway, good he's home.I briefly gave a thought to as to where Stefan is, but quickly moved on. Opening the door like I own the place I called out ,"HELLO ANYONE HOME!" A second later Damon was in front of me with a cocky grin that was really hot. "What can I do for you Elena?" he asked smirking. Smiling I said, "Actually you are the person I'm looking for." His smirk froze and he said, "Why's that? "My smile froze as what I planned to say flew out of my mind. "I don't know how to say this... I ..." His face dropped and I assume he thought that ment I chose Stefan. I don't know what came over me but I put my arms around him and kissed him. He seemed shocked at first but warmed quickly. The second he started to put effort into the kiss I lost all coherent thought. He is a VERY good kisser. After a minute he pulled back it took me a couple of seconds to get my breath back but when I did I pulled back with a smile. When I looked up into his beautiful blue eyes he was looking at me hopefully. I smile and nod. He puts his arms around me and kisses me senseless. We stood there kissing for a few minutes until The front door opened and Jeremy walked in calling for Damon.


The second he saw me he said and i quote "Did you tell she tell you she loves you yet?" Both Elena and I were stunned into silence. Not knowing what to say I just looked at him. Elena looking shocked says, "How... did you know... I ...didn't know until this morning?" Jeremy gives us both an 'are you serious' look, turns to Elena and says,"You make excuses to come here when you and i both know he is the only one home." Elena starts to blush slightly and looks at her feet. Jeremy continues,"You have also been saying is name in your sleep for a week." I look at her and she smiles slightly up at me. I put my arm around her and smile too. Jeremy is smiling for a second then his face drops as he looks at me with a look that can only be described as guilty. Raising an eyebrow I ask "What did you do?". Jeremy looks even more guilty as he says, "Well I didn't do anything exactly." Elena and I exchange looks and I ask looking back at Jeremy, "So what didn't you do then?" He looks up at me with his guilty lookin place. "Well..." he started. "I met someone last week. she made me give my word not to tell anyone she was here. She told me her story and everything. Now She wants to leave still not having told anyone she's here. I can't let her leave so I came here to tell you." Judging by the look on his face and the way he kept focusing on me it was someone I know. "Who is it Jeremy?" I ask. He looks at me and very seriously begs me to promise him I won't get mad. At first I just looked at him then nodded. Elena nods too as he looks at her for her word too. "So I was hanging out in the the trees out back of here and I saw a very pretty girl spying through one of the windows. It wasn't until i got closer that I heard you and Stefan arguing. She must have heard me move because she turned and looked at me. I almost instantly knew who she was. We talked and she told me her name and I was shocked. When she realized I knew who she was she made me promise not to tell anyone. She bribed me with her story." He looked really upset, I still had no idea who he was talking about. He must really like her. I wondered who I knew who could makes someone as shy as Jeremy babble like this. My mind fell back in time to a very pretty dark-haired girl who could do that... but that's impossible she died nearly 151 years ago. I looked back at Jeremy and asked, "Jeremy who is it you met?" He didn't answer right away he looked at me then at Elena then back at me. "She told me her name is Kamden Salvatore." I looked at him in shock, I know he did not just tell me he met my dead sister.

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