"I am honestly gob snacked" she says

"I'm just never good enough for anybody" you cry

"How am I supposed to stay in a bedroom with him?" You ask

"You deserve some much better than that" she says and once you've composed yourself you and Paige walk hand in hand to the kitchen to make a tea and you see Callum come up the stairs and he trips making you laugh a bit

"That's a bit childish" he mutters under his breath

"He's coming, just stay strong" Paige says

"Can I have a chat with you please?" He asks

"Why?" You ask

"Just want to talk to ya" he says

"About what?" You ask

"Just want to have a chat," he replies watching you walk about the kitchen "if you don't want to thats fine just when you're ready" he says

"Let's just be quick" you say still not looking at him but you can feel his eyes on you

"Where do you want to go?" He asks

"In here" you say with your voice cracking and you sniff and sit down

"It's obviously not nice for you is it?" He says

"Let's just make this snappy" you tell him

"Basically when I went into the villa I said when I walked in there I'm not even bothered to try and find someone then we had a couple chats and the thing is I'm not saying anything between me and you was not good because it was, we was obviously good together but there was just certain things like just like I don't know what it is, it's just the way I felt about her in two, three days made me realise there was definitely something missing with you but that's nothing to do with you in a bad way it's to do with me because I thought with you I was not that affectionate and stuff em...I do still really like ya and I don't want this to be the end of us because you're a great girl" he says as he looks at you and you nod

"It obviously is to do with me because I can't give you everything you want and need and if molly gives you that then I'm happy for you and I want this to end it's done now, you've made it clear that you're not that interested" you tell him

"Nah, Nah, As bad as it sounds she does make me happy and don't say that" he says

"Fine that's good," you tell him "but I'm not wasting my time getting to know you when I could have something that you've got with molly with someone else"

"I've not got anything against you but I don't know if you hate me" he says

"I definitely feel Like you were faking it because you thought I was the safety and I think you would've known that there would be something missing before you went into casa amor and you would've maybe spoken to me about that" you tell him

"I don't want you to be upset though" he says

"Well I'm not exactly going to be happy am I?" You say

"I want you to-" he starts but you interrupt

"Don't even say that you were doing me a favour" you say

"At the end of the day it's just how I feel" he says

"Well I just don't know how am I going to live in this villa now that" you start

"Nah I don't want you to feel uncomfortable" he says

"How am I not going to feel uncomfortable? Because this wasn't just a coupling up for me because I genuinely had feelings for you" you tell him

"I'm not going to do things in front of your face" he says

"I don't want you to hold back because you're with her now that's that, I'm done I don't matter anymore" you say

"I just want you to be happy" he says

"I thought I was" you say with your voice cracking and with a nervous laugh

"Are you sure you're going to be alright?" He asks and you nod and stand up as your eyes start to water and you head out and give a small smile to Luke T who hugs you and wipes your tears

"I don't know how I am going to be able to be around him and her, like I don't want to" you cry

You and the girls then go down to the sofa

"How are you feeling? Tell us" Rebecca says

"I feel sick like I don't know what I'm going to do seeing them getting into bed together," you say "I don't know how I'm going to stay in the villa with them two" you say

"They way you're feeling just now will pass over slowly but surely" Rebecca says

"I'm just thinking I could leave now" you start

"Naw, naw Y/n" Paige says

"Don't, no would you tell one of us, would you let one of us leave?" Rebecca asks

"I don't want to be in here and feel uncomfortable" you say

"No but you've got us" Jess says

"You would've let one of us leave" Rebecca says and mike, fin and Luke T come down, mike comes first gives you a hug and then fin hugs you

"Sorry I got my makeup all over your shirt" you say

"As long as it's your makeup" Paige says and then they go on a whole chat about how Callum was more affectionate which you didn't want to hear so you let them finish and walk away with Paige following behind you

"To know he was so much happier without me isn't a nice feeling at all" you say

"Im still trying to figure out why the boys told me that" you say confused

"I don't know if I can do this you know" you say to Paige

"You deserve so much more and the fact he can just stand there and say that after three and a bit weeks that baffles me!" Paige groans

"It's always me, it's always me" you say

"You're a diamond an absolute diamond" she says

"You know I have myself a bouncy blow tonight" you cry

"You know what you deserve a bouncy blow every night you don't need them but you deserve them" Paige says

"Thank you" you say to her and you let Paige go and talk to fin while you just sit outside alone to breath and process everything and that's when Luke M comes over

"You okay?" He asks

"Mmh" you mumble

"Want to talk about it?" He asks you

"Not yet" you say

"Just want cuddles?" He asks and you nod as he sits next to you and wraps his arms around you comforting you for a while.

You and the girls then get ready for bed and you get into bed with Demi and fall asleep.

Love island 2020 winter love island Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora