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I fly through the air, and I close my eyes, bracing for impact. Goodbye cruel world!!!!
Instead of hitting the ground, I fall into the arms of a women.
'Hello little one' she's whispers 'you can come with me'
She puts me in a cage and we drive. Where am I going? Is she an axe murderer? Am I going to die again?
She takes me out the cage and puts me into another one. I scurry into the corner and fall asleep. When I wake up I see a familiar furry figure watching me.
'Jeremy m8, izzat u?' It squeaks
'LOUISE!' I squeal 'your alive! I thought you got hit by a car!'
'Nah, Jeremy m8, it was a seagull. I was saved by this chick and her banter mobile' she yelps.
I rush over and groom her. I missed Louise. I'll never let her go again.

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