Ava turned off her phone and tired to look at him with a serious face, "Nothing," She opened her eyes wide trying to keep her composure and I laughed even harder.

We both finally calmed down and sat on the couch and chatted with the people who were sitting on the other couches, we finished our drinks and Ava grabbed us two more cans.

I tried to keep my focus on the conversation but my eyes kept travelling to Mattia who was looking down at his phone. I sent him a text.

Athena: wanna go for a swim?

He opened the text and looked up at me smiling. Without responding he stood up and I followed.

"Gonna go for a swim," I told Ava as I left the seating area and followed Mattia to the pool. He pulled off his shirt and placed it on one of the lounge chairs and I put my shorts on top.

Mattia got into the water and stood against the wall, I swam over to him and held onto the ledge because my feet couldn't touch the ground.

"Are you drunk?" He asked looking me in my eyes.

"Maybe," I bit my lip and I saw his eyes flicker down to it, "Are you?" I asked him.

"A little," He chuckled.

We started talking about our plans for the summer and he mentioned that he was excited to go to Florida to visit Alvaro and Roshaun with the rest of the boys, they'd bought their tickets a while in advance before I started hanging out with them so I wasn't able to go. I pouted at the thought of them leaving me for so long.

"Don't to that," Mattia said brushing his thumb over my bottom lip. I smiled slightly then pouted again.

"I don't want you guys to leave,"

"I know but we already bought our tickets," He said resting one arm on the edge of the pool.

"How about you give your ticket to Emiliano and you stay here with me," I smiled at him and he snakes his other arm around my waist and pulled me closer to him.

"I could," He said and smiled. I noticed him look from my eyes to my lips then back up. He started to lean in and I put my arms around his neck too drunk to care who sees us.

"Athena?" I snapped away from Mattia looking up to see who it was.

Katrina stood a few feet away from the pool playing with her fingers.

"Could we talk?" She asked giving me a hopeful look.

I sighed then nodded and pulled myself out of the pool, "I'll meet up with you later," I told Mattia before walking over to an empty bench with Katrina.

"What's up?" I asked her.

"I just wanted to say I'm so sorry for what me and Lexi did to you, I know that sorry won't like fix anything or make it any less shitty but I really am. I knew I shouldn't have helped her or let her do it but I did any ways and I feel so bad. I don't expect us to like be friends again but I just wanted to let you know I'm sorry," She rambled i'm then looked up at me.

I nodded taking it all in, "Are you still friends with Lexi?" I asked her.

"No, we got in a fight after over it," She said looking at me.

"Okay. I accept your apology," I told her and she smiled big. I don't know if I was making a mistake but for her to stop talking to Lexi seemed like a pretty big deal considering they her basically inseparable before all this happened.

I pulled her into a small hug and smiled at her before getting up to tell Ava. When I walked back over to the seating area on the patio Ava was no where to be found, I went inside to look for her and saw her making out with some girl on the couch.

"Okay Ava, get it," I said to myself before turning back around and going outside again.

I looked for Mattia again and found him at the beer pong table with Victoria and Taylor, I joined in a played a few games until I felt to drunk to stand. I went over to the couches and sat down feeling like everything was spinning, I held on to the arm of the couch trying to stabilize myself.

"You good," I looked up seeing a girl I've never talked to before.

"I'm great," I smiled at her, realizing it was the same girl Ava was just kissing, "What's your name?" I asked.

"Hannah," She smiles at me.

"I'm Athena," I said.

"Do you smoke?" She asked and I just noticed the joint in her hand.

"Yeah," She passed me the joint and I kept talking to her as we smoked.

At some point in the night Ava joined us sitting beside Hannah and the broke off into their own conversation. I checked my phone seeing it was almost three in the morning. I watched some people's stories that had come to the party, one of them was Mattia's story of him and the boys playing beer pong.

"I'm gonna go find Mattia," I told Ava.

"Okay, be careful girl," She said as I stumbled away.

I walked into the house and looked around for him, I finally found him in the living room dancing with some girl. She looked like she was really into him but I didn't care I walked up to them and grabbed his hand which was resting on her lower back.

The girl stopped dancing and gave me a dirty look,

"Um we're dancing," She hooked her arm around Mattia's to stop him from walking away.

"Bitch I don't care it's my house," I said pulling him from her.

"Where are we going," Mattia asked following me.

"Upstairs," I told him as we reached the bottom of the stairs, "To just like talk and hang out," He laughed and followed me up the stairs knowing that wasn't why I was bringing him upstairs.


😳😳 what y'all think is gonna happen next??🤪

the one for me.Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ