"Look! The pack has come to help us!" She lied. The wolves froze looking back growling. Moon kicked the wolf off, standing beside her friend. Blue had finished howling, nodding thanks to Moon. "That darn wolf! She tricked us!" one Blood wolf yowled, turning his head back at the two, leaping for them. But as he hopped high into the air, a white wolf shoved him. It was Star. She was pinning down the wolf. Three more wolves pinned the others down firmly. Moon sighed in relief. The pack had come to help.

"What does Scar want to do with us now!" Star hissed. Scar was the Alpha of Blood Pack.

"Oh him? He's going to ask you to step down at your paws, then we will rule your pack and make you kneel! If you refuse, we'll wipe you from the face of Earth!" He answered confidently.

Star could not control her anger. Her neck fur bulging in rage. She only responded a killing strike to the neck. Blood splattered and stained his whole body. The Blood wolf breathed his last breaths until they faded away forever. The other wolves were horrified. Moon's pack mates let go of the wolves. They scurried back to Blood Pack territory.

Star looked back at the two wolves. "Dash, Dark, Snow, and Frost, go help them back to camp. Get them some rest and herbs. They are wounded. I'll bury this body." Dash, Dark, Snow, and Frost quickly walked over to them. Dash was a brown green-eyed male with a white underbelly. Dark was a black blue-eyed male. Snow was white she wolf with green eyes. Frost was a blue, blue eyed she wolf with a white underbelly. Moon looked down at her chest. It had a nasty gash, covered in some blood. Not her own blood. But the blood from the wolf Star had killed. She winced as another wave of pain burst against her wound. Frost came thickly to help her. Blue was not hurt that badly, and went to find the rabbit Moon had buried.

The group headed back to camp. The gash on Moon's chest had now started to bleed. She prayed to her ancestors that she would survive. The healer, Leaf hurried over to her with some healing herbs. Leaf pressed cobwebs onto the bleeding gash. She then smudged a mixture of herbs over it. "Get Moon some rest," Leaf ordered Frost, "and when she gets there, give some of these cobwebs for Blue's cut. Tell him to keep pressing the cobwebs onto the cut until it stops bleeding." The healer handed Frost a bundle of the white stuff.

Moon and Frost went to the den. Moon plummeted to the ground. Frost left to find Blue. A moment later, he came with cobwebs stuck to his cheek. "Moon?" he asked. He sat near her, keeping hold of the cobwebs. "Are-are you okay?
I-I need to tell you something," he said.

"I'm fine. What is it?" Moon whispered

"When I said something bad about BloodPack, I felt so-so, sorry, because you always wanted peace with them," he pressed his muzzle into her fur.

"I agreed with you, Blue. I-I hate BloodPack now," Moon licked Blue's cheek.

Blue began to pull something out from his back. It was a fat bird that Dash had caught on the way back. Blue's mouth watered, but he took his eyes of the bird, back to Moon.

"Here, have this bird," Blue pushed the fat bird in front of Moon.

"Thank you, but I'd rather share," Moon said as she lifted her head a bit to take a bite.

Blue ignored Moon looking into the roof of the cave.

"I swear to the name of Ark Pack that I'll slay every single wolf of that pathetic pack! I'll avenge you!" Blue bubbled in anger.

"I'm not dead, yet!" Moon smiled, though she didn't like the fact that Blue wanted to kill another.

The two laughed, falling asleep after a long pause of silence. Moon opened her eyes. Blue was gone. Wolves ran everywhere around the pack. BloodPack wolves crowded around Star slashing at her hard. Moon sat up, ran towards her mother, but the ground began to crack. There was a black void seen under as the ground tore away. Moon fell, flailing into a winding river. Sharp rocks stuck up, aiming for her chest. Blue! Help! As she was a hair close to the rock, everything blacked out.

Moonrise: A Close Escape (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now