Chapter 2

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Moon's POV
        Blue had finished his meal. The pack was ready for the meeting. Only the Alphas, betas, deltas, and the healer were allowed to go. The group headed off, to the big lake. The big lake was where everyone gathered together.

      As the group walked across a small river, a bird swooped down, pulling out a worm in the mud. Moon pounced on the helpless creature, finishing it off with a bite to its neck. After burying the bird, Moon quickly sped up to catch with the rest of the pack.

     The small group had finally arrived. The three other packs were waiting. "Your late," growled Scar. He was a black wolf with purple eyes, a huge scar ran across his face. He was the Alpha of BloodPack. Star bared her teeth. "So you haven't told them about your our little problem??" Star questioned, flicking her tail at the scarred leader. Scar tilted his head. "What do you mean, Star?" He asked, confused. Moon's head ached in fear.

     "You know what I mean! Blood and three wolves stepped right onto our territory. Deathclaws told us that BloodPack will rule us!" Star yowled. Flame gasped. Ice dug her claws into the earth. "This cannot be true! Just stop!" Ice cried.
Ice was the alpha of Icepack. "No wonder Deathclaws is missing. You must of went on our territory and killed him," Scar said, "or maybe my pack did not tell me what they have done." Moon could see Blood grinning evilly. Blood knew that Scar did not know about what had happened, and only wanted to defend his pack. "Now Scar is blaming us! Our own leader betrayed us," Blood growled.

Moon stepped forward and opened her mouth to speak, but Blue stopped her. "Scar may be innocent, but saying that he is will not make this argument better," Blue said sternly. Moon struggled to escape her friend's grip, but Moon suddenly realized that Blue was right. Calming down, the fur on Moon's back lowered.

There was a long moment of silence. Every wolf from Icepack and FirePack were terrified. "Then we declare war on BloodPack!" Star yowled. Moon gasped in horror. How could her own mother, the alpha ever do that?

The flash of dark fur ran across the grass. It was Blood. He pounced on Star. The two rolled into the lake. Moon dashed to run beside her mother. "No! Don't! Moon!" A voice sounded from behind. Moon only ignored the warning. Nearing the river, Moon slipped on a pool of mud, falling into the lake.

Underwater, Moon could see the flash of white and black fur. Star and Blood were still alive. But they only disappeared farther and farther into the darkness. Moon found herself struggling to swim. She was drowning. This is the end of me. Moon thought, regretting her decision. But as she thought those words, dark jaws clamped onto her neck, pulling her up to the surface. Moon was surprised to see the face of Scar. The BloodPack alpha had saved her.

"Have you lost your mind? We cannot afford to lose another wolf. I will go down there and save your mother. Stay here," Scar said. Moon spat out water. Why had Scar helped her when her own pack demanded war on them? Why would he want to save Star rather than his own pack mate, Blood?

Moon could see Scar disappear into the water. She had hoped the leader knew what he was doing. The wolves watched in horror. A red pool of blood rose onto the surface. Moon burst in tears, afraid that the wolves down there had died. Blue had tried to comfort her. The other packs as well came close to her, eyes filled with sorrow.

Then a miracle happened. There were bubbles floating in the water. Scar was swimming with Star grasped in his jaws. "What about Blood? Why didn't you save him?" A BloodPack wolf asked as Scar shook of the remaining drops of water on his pelt. Moon shivered. "I didn't save him because I knew he was evil. I knew he tried to kill ArkPack. I could not have let that happen," Scar said. The wolf gasped. "Why would you make him the beta then? And how do you know this?"

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