Denki Kaminari ~ Sick Day

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I woke up that day feeling awful. My head throbbed and my stomach felt uneasy and everything ached. I groaned as I climbed out of bed and changed into my school uniform, today was one of the last days of important training, there's no way I could miss today.

I took a few pills for my cold and headache before I headed downstairs to eat breakfast. When I made it downstairs everyone was sitting and eating so I quickly grabbed food to sit down with my friends.

" Wow Y/N you look like shit" Mina said looking at me as I sat down.

" Thanks for that" I said as I started to eat.

" Are you guys ready for practice, it's gonna be hell" Sero asked and Bakugo laughed.

" I can handle anything" He said and I chuckled a little as he glared at me.

" I think I'll be fine as long as Aizawa doesn't target me again" Denki said and I smiled.

" We'll all do fine" I said as I finsihed eating and the others agreed as we continued talking.

After we ate we continued talking until we realized we were going to be late and we ran to class, barely making it on time. We didn't have normal lessons today so we quickly went and headed to the gym.

I walked into the lockerrooms to change into my training uniform. I was at my locker when Mina walked up to me already in her uniform.

" So you like Denki" She said and I got flustered as I accidentally opened my locker with a lot of force hitting myself in the head.

" Ow" I groaned out as i grabbed my head and Mina burst out laughing.

" I knew it" She said as she hopped around.

" Just go wait while I get changed" I said still holding my head and she nodded and she ran off laughing.

I quickly changed into my sports uniform as I ran out of the locker room to join Mina who was talking with the others.

I walked up to them smacking Mina in the back of the head and she laughed.

" You ready to train" I said and they all cheered, just then Aizawa arrive and looked at us.

" Good you are all ready" He paused looking at all of us, " We will start with your basic personal training for your quirk.

I hated doing this, because I had a water quirk they made everything around me really hot so it would strain my quirk, it was so annoying.

We all groaned as we separated to where our assigned areas were. I started to use my quirk, it was kind of bothersome but the heat didn't actually do to much. My head started to throb again as I continued to practice, this isn't good.

We worked for what seemed like an eternity until Aizawa called us all over to him.

" For the next task I've created sparring partners, I trust you won't kill each other" He looked over at Bakugo, " I have created teams that will test your quirks more"

He started to read out partners, First Kirishima and Jiro, Mina and Koda, and then Me and Bakugo. It makes sense, water again fire.

I sighed as I followed an over eager Bakugo as we went to our sparring area. Before I knew it Aizawa had blown the whistle. My head began hurting more, even more than the morning. I barely dodged his attack as I put up a water barrier for his next one. My vision started to get spotty this time I couldn't dodge his attack and he punched my right in the gut and I fell to the ground.

Aizawa came over and I looked at him.

" I need to go" I said and he nodded as I got up and Bakugo looked mad.

" Come back here and fight me coward" He shouted but I put my hand over my mouth so I wouldn't throw up, I rushed out of the gym and towards the bathroom where I threw up. I felt slightly better as I cleaned myself up and decided to head towards the dorm. I started walking when i felt dizzy again. My vision got blurry again, I swear if I pass out. I continued to walk as my vision narrowed I started to stumble when someone grabbed my arm and i looked over, Denki.

" You should've asked for help idiot" He said and I blushed.

" Sorry" I said as I swayed a little and he picked me up bridal style.

I squealed a little as I blushed harder. I heard him laugh as we made it to the dorms, wait was he headed to his room.

He went to the guys side of the dorm and up towards his room. He opened the door and walked into his room setting me on his bed.

" Um denki?" I said and he turned to me, "Why did you bring me to your room are you trying to do something?"

" What no" He said waving his hands and I laughed.

" Denki, this isn't the time but-" I hesitated, should I confess to him? I should just do it, " I like you, like more than friends" I said as I saw him blush.

" I actually like you too" He said and I smiled.

" I would like totally kiss you if I wasn't super sick" I said and he chuckled.

" You should get some rest" He said and I sighed.

" True" I said as I laid down.

" Also I'm not leaving" I said and he laughed.

He sat on the bed next to me hugging me as he cuddled close to me.

" Well then I guess we have to cuddle" He said and I smiled.

" Don't complain to me if this gets you sick" I said and he smiled.

" Then you would have to take care of me so It's all good" He said and I chuckled.

" You're such an Idiot" I said and he fake gasped loudly.

" How could you" He said and I laughed.

" You're my idiot though" I said and he smiled wider as he held me closer.

" You need some sleep or you will be the bigger idiot" He said and I smiled as I slowly drifted off into a peaceful sleep in Denki's arms.

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