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I hum along to the music playing from the radio the nurses brought in

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I hum along to the music playing from the radio the nurses brought in. The nurses asked if they could bring in a radio for when they're working overnight for background noise. I agreed as long as it isn't louder than the monitors, but decided that every Friday we'd play music for the kids, just so the environment they're in isn't always white coats and medicine. That's one of the biggest things for me as co-chief, a child shouldn't have to give up their childhood or fun because something happened to them and they now have to stay in a hospital. They should still get to experience education, friends, the ability to express themselves, and I'm thankful the pediatric nurses understand that and help me with that as much as they can.

It's been a week since I admitted my feelings to Tyler, and honestly I think our relationship just got stronger, it feels like we've known each other for forever, and it actually feels like were married when we do things together, like we're not just two strangers living together.

While I'm doing research on some new procedures, and just catching up on my medical journals, I feel my phone vibrate and smile seeing Tyler's name. I reply to his message, telling him I'll call him in a few minutes, before putting my phone away. I continue scrolling through the website I'm on before Derek comes into the small office. "Who's that little girl? They were just calling her Zola. She's apart of your program right?" I smile, "Yeah. Uh Zola Limbani I believe. She's a sweetheart. Spina bifida right?" Derek just nods looking out the window, into the window to her room, "She likes me. She was crying when I tried doing her exam, so I picked her up and she immediately stopped." I smile, "Kids stop crying when they're happy and comfortable. You know that right?" Derek just keeps looking through the window, "You know the kids in the program are eligible for adoption." "Really?" "If you talk to Meredith I'm sure she'd be willing to. With the whole miscarriage, and I know shes feeling like something's missing. There's a thing the adoption process does, where it's almost like fostering, but more like a trial run. When she can be discharged you'd get to take her home for a week, see how you do with her before a social worker can decide if you get to keep her or not."

As I tell Derek about the adoption program Bailey comes in with two folders, "You two have a case. Twins  Aria and Paul Jr Jackson, six years old. They're flying in from Tennessee, tumors that are very similar but completely different. Most doctors say they're inoperable, others say only some of it can be removed." Derek looks at me, "So they need us to do the impossible then." Bailey nods, "Yup. We have more advanced equipment, and brains in our hospital."

As we start looking at the case a nurse comes in, "Dr Grey. Your husband is here looking for you. He looks worried about something." Without looking up from his file Derek swats me away, "Go deal with that I think I may be onto something for one of the twins."

I find Tyler, practically chewing his thumb nail off while staring off into space, "Hey I was about to call you, what's going on?" He looks at me with sadness in his eyes, "Can we go outside?" "Yeah, come on." As we find a bench to sit on outside Tyler just starts spilling, "My brother called. He said my niece and my nephew are being flown to Seattle for operations. Impossible operations. He knows you're a surgeon and wanted me to ask for recommendations on doctors." I grab his hand as I think. The patients I just got... "Tumors right." He looks at me in shock, "How did you know that?" I stuff my hands into my pockets and fall back onto the bench with a sigh. "Derek and I just got the case. I didn't even think about the last names or where they're flying from. That changes so much." "What do you mean?" "We're married, that makes them family. We can't operate on family, I can contribute ideas but there's only so much I'd be able to contribute to the case. There'd be an entire lawsuit from the state itself if something were to go wrong and it was my fault." I stop, staring in front of me. "But I know someone who can take my place. Come on."

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⏰ Last updated: May 17, 2020 ⏰

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