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"You have everything right? You're not forgetting anything important-" I grab my older twin sisters shoulders stopping her in her path, "Relax Mer

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"You have everything right? You're not forgetting anything important-" I grab my older twin sisters shoulders stopping her in her path, "Relax Mer. I'm 26 I can pack for myself. Yes I have at least two outfits for each day I'll be there. I have cash on me in case of emergencies. I'll be fine on my own. This isn't the first time I'll be on my own." She looks at me thinking, "Condoms! Did you bring condoms? It's Vegas after all, you never know." I roll my eyes and hitch my carry on high up my shoulder, "Relax mom I think I'll be fine. I'm sure I'll find a store that sells them if I need them." I laugh as she hits my shoulder, "I'm being serious Eli. It's Vegas you might come back married." I look at her, "Thanks for jinxing it. Really. Now watch me come back pregnant too." I watch as she laughs and pulls me in for a hug before sending me off at my gate. "Be safe. Or Lexie will have my ass. Both of our asses. And you know Derek will grill you too." "Right can't forget about my overprotective brother-in-law."

I sigh as I read one of the magazines I picked up, should've read the title before buying it in all honesty. Nothing except celebrities and their drama. I watch as the clouds pass under the plane, "Nothing interesting?" I look at the man next to me. Honestly he definitely looks like a lady pleaser, sweet talker. But also like someone who's never interested. "Nothing that interests me. You can have it if you want." He holds up his hand, "No thank you. I like to keep out of all that stuff." I smile to myself when I hear a hint of a southern accent. "What're you working on?" I gesture to the notebook page filled with writing on his little tray, "Uh just a little bit of writing. Got some work down in Vegas for a couple days. What brings you to sin city?" I smirk at the guy who is now starting to look familiar, "A conference thing for work. I'm supposed to be speaking about a procedure." He looks at me interested, "Like a nerd conference?" I laugh and shake my head, making him laugh a nice deep laugh. Honestly it's pretty sexy. "If you want to call it that, sure. It's not Comic Con, a surgical conference actually." "Wow, so you're a doctor then?" I nod with a smile, "So you know what I'll be doing, what about you?" He gives me a throaty chuckle, "I write music, got a couple shows with the band. You should come if you got some free time." I look at him for a second, "What kind of music?" He shakes his head, "Why don't you find out when you get there?" I shrug, "Maybe I want to learn the words, so I can belt them out and be the loudest one there." I watch as he laughs, "You do that and I won't be able to keep a straight face." I smile as he continues speaking, "You know I never got your name." I smirk, "Never got yours either. It's Areceli. Most people just call me Eli though." "Pretty name for a pretty face. Tyler." I laugh, "Smooth talker." He laughs, "Trust me, been called that before among other things. But my mama raised me to be honest and polite." "Sounds like she knows what she was talking about."

When the plane lands I grab my carry-on and start moving to catch a cab. "Areceli!" I turn around seeing Tyler who's now sporting sunglasses speed walking to catch up to me, "You walk fast for someone who's so short." I smile, "I'm a doctor it's in my nature." He smiles, "I never got your information, to tell you about the shows." I cross my arms, "Is that just another way of you asking for my number?" He smiles shoving his hands in his pockets, "Maybe." I roll my eyes before reaching my hand out. He quickly hands me his phone, a very nice phone might I add, and I quickly put in my number. "What hotel are you staying at? Maybe we could share a cab. Been here enough to know which hotels are in which direction." I smirk and reach into my purse pulling out the information the convention provided me with, "Uh says I have a room at the La Brie." "Really? Must be some hotshot doctor for a convention to put you there. I have a room there too." I smirk, "Looks like you're paying for the cab then, rockstar." He chuckles and grabs his bags before following me outside and we both climb into one of the waiting cabs. When the cab starts moving Tyler starts speaking, "You know most girls want dinner instead of just a cab ride." I smirk, "The conference is covering all food costs for my trip, so I think I'll be good." "Okay you're definitely a hotshot doctor then." I laugh and shake my head, "Maybe."

When we pull up to the hotel I immediately head to check in. "Checking in?" "Yeah. For Grey." "Good evening Dr. Grey, we have you set up on the 15th floor. Hope you enjoy your stay." "Thank you." I grab the key card and make my way to the elevator pressing the number 15 and closing my eyes as I feel the elevator move. When I reach my room I throw my purse on the bed as I set my luggage next to the dresser. I open my suitcase to grab a change of clothes so I can take a quick shower. I pull out the magazine I had on the plane and toss it towards the bed, internally groaning when it misses and falls to the floor. Before I can close the magazine I notice a very familiar face. Tyler Jackson. Famous country singer. Not that famous if I don't know him as anything other than dude stuck next to me on a plane ride. I sigh and toss the magazine on the bed before heading to take my shower.

I let my hair form it's natural beach curls as I dry it and slip on some shoes, deciding on wandering around the strip

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I let my hair form it's natural beach curls as I dry it and slip on some shoes, deciding on wandering around the strip. I make my way through the lobby texting the 'Work Family' group chat as I walk, telling everyone I made it okay and getting their list of souvenirs they want.

"Hey hotshot." I jump when I hear a voice right next to me. I hold my chest as I turn and see a smirking Tyler. "Thanks for trying to kill me." "Any time. You going exploring or something?" I shrug, "Maybe, didn't come all the way out here to sit in my room all day." I watch as he chuckles to himself, "Alright I'll bite. How about you let me show you a couple of spots then? Unless you wanna spend all your money at the overpriced shops on the strip." I cross my arms debating. "Alright fine, but if you drag me out to the desert and kill me, I'll haunt you forever." He laughs, "You have an active imagination. I like it."

Before I know it we've done it's officially way passed dinner time. "You ready to head back, or are you still up for some adventure?" "What do you have up your sleeve?" I watch as he smirks, something I'm starting to find incredibly sexy, but he'll never know that. Doubt he'll even remember me after I head back to Seattle. "How about we get a quick bite and we go get a couple drinks, unless you have to be up early." I shake my head, "I'm down. The conference doesn't start until tomorrow night anyways." "You'd think doctors would be morning people." I shrug, "I've always been a night owl anyways."

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