Chapter 2

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We walked around the side of the venue towards the back where the wedding was actually going to take place. I felt Aaron slide his arm through mine so that we were linking. I looked up and him, admiring his facial features, and smiled as we continued walking for what felt like forever.
I could hear the sound of the guests, chatting and joking with each other, when I felt myself fly forwards. My arms flailed out, gripping on to the closest thing to me, which happened to be Aaron. I felt myself tumble to the ground with Aaron on top of me.
"Oh my god, I'm so sorry Aaron!" I felt myself blushing and my cheeks getting hot as Georgie and her dad began to laugh hysterically. Aaron stood up and offered me his hand, pulling me up. "Thanks" I said, still clutching on to his hand.
"Don't mention it" he said, laughing before his face turned serious, "no seriously, don't mention it. Your brother wouldn't be happy." He looked down at me for a brief moment before Georgie coughed, reminding us that we all had somewhere to be.
Finally we walked out into the open where I could now see all the guests, sat in rows on white chairs.
And then I saw my brother. He was dressed in a black suit and looking extremely nervous.
The guests all turned to look at Georgie as she walked down the aisle. I recognised several familiar faces, most of which were footballers from various clubs and some of Olivier's team mates from Arsenal.
I watched as Georgie and Oliver said their vows, all the while looking into each other's eyes. Then, my eyes met Aaron's. He was looking at me.I smiled nervously, still embarrassed after the incident earlier. He smiled back and I soon found myself lost in his eyes for what felt like forever.
"I now pronounce you husband and wife" I heard the vicar say as I snapped back into reality, "you may now kiss the bride."


It was now time for the reception at Olivier's favourite pub - 'The Royal Pug.'
"Heeeeey Megan" a young man approached me with his arm extended. "I'm Harry."
"Hi, have we met before?" I asked.
"No, I'm a friend of Olivier's though."
"Oh, so you play for Arsenal then?" I asked, Harry laughed.
"No, I play for Tottenham funnily enough" he explained, "I actually first met Olivier during the derby."
"Wasn't the wedding just lovely" I said, reminiscing and moving the topic of conversation away from football.
"Yes, it really was" said Harry, we the fell into a comfortable silence as we both stood watching various couples dancing. "So can I get you a drink?" Harry asked politely. It was then that I felt an arm around my shoulder.
"There's no need to. I've got her one" said Aaron, handing me a pint. I could immediately feel the tension between Harry and Aaron.
"Aaron, I haven't seen you since..." Harry trailed off, his voice bitter.
"I know."
"Oh...well it was nice talking to you Megan" said Harry, he gave me a slight smile and then walked away, leaving me alone with Aaron.
"What was that all about?" I asked, Aaron took his arm off my shoulder and looked down at me seriously.
"Look, that's Harry fucking Kane. I know him and I know what he's like. I don't want you getting hurt. Plus, there's no way Olivier would ever approve" Aaron sounded genuinely concerned and I decided not to push him for any further explanation as he seemed on edge.
"Do you know what this song is?" asked Aaron, breaking the silence that had fallen over us.
"It's 'Dragostea Din Tei' by O-zone" I told him, "one of my favourites." I smiled, I could see that Aaron was more relaxed now.
"Megan!" I heard Georgie call over from the dancefloor, "come over here! And bring Aaron too!" We walked over to the dancefloor where she was dancing with Olivier.
"What?" I asked.
"You and Aaron should have a little dance" she said, I could tell she had had a few drinks too many.
"I don't think that's the best of ideas babe" said Olivier, "I need a little word with Megan anyway." He kissed Georgie on the cheek and then led me to a quiet corner of the pub.
"What's your problem?" I asked, "it's just a dance."
"Meg, I've known Aaron for a very very long time" he said sternly.
"And?" I sighed, I knew where this was going.
"I just don't think its a good idea for you to get too close with him."
"It's just a dance, Olive" I protested.
"Yes but it's never 'just a dance' with Aaron" he sighed, "I know things about Aaron which you don't... I just don't want you to get hurt. I'm trying to look out for you here."
"Do you never think that you're being just a bit too over protective?" I asked, "I'm an adult. I can look out for myself you know."
"I know but, just promise me you'll be careful, okay?"
"Okay, I promise" I said reluctantly. I then attempted to find out what had happened between Aaron and Harry, but all I could get out of Oliver was that it was "a long story."
I avoided Aaron for the rest of the night, unsure of what to make of him now. What had Olivier even meant earlier? What could Aaron have possibly done that was so bad?

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