the start<chap 1>

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Hi im Crystal Michelle Kills. im 18. I know your thinking 'wait your last name is kills?' But yes it is. How did i get it? I dont know anybody in my family......and i didn't have a last name so i made one up. But first i had to ask my best 'ghost' friend, kiki karoline, a 18 year old ghost girl that only i can see unless she lets them or that they can already see her. Well i got to go to the hell hole aka school. Bye journal. Crystal wrote into her journal then got dressed in a red 'stay strong! Ignore bullies and help others', black jeans that say 'cpftw', a pair of light dark blue sneakers that say 'TEAMCRAFTED' on it.

Crystal's pov

Then i grab my Venturiantale backpack. Then before i walk out the door i yell "kiki arent you coming to school with me?" "Yes im coming!" Kiki yelled back then floated down to me. Your probably thinking 'wait how can you see kiki?' Thats because i have powers. They are: i can change my voice to somebody else's, turn invisable, speak/see ghosts, speak to animals, super scream, and i can change into anything or anyone.......which is funny to watch but so is making the bully run around looking for me and when i pants them in the middle of class when they turn in their work. Also im a super guins so i know everything about the world and videogames. I know so much that the nerds and geeks get stumped then they call me their queen/leader. Which i think is fine because i enjoy their company so much. Once i get to my homeroom i see a bunch of boys crowding a corner in the room. I run over and push through the guys and looked at the poor guy that got pummeled. "Hey we're not through with him yet." One of the guys said. "Yes you my goodbye" i said taking the guy to the nurse. "Crystal who do you have here.......wait i cant help him......he needs the hospital.....ill sign you and him out so take him to the hospital." Nurse lily said to me. "Ok." I said to her then ran out of the school to the hospital. "Huh.....who r spencer......where are you taking me?"the boy in my arms said to me. "Im crystal,hi spencer,and hospital becuse your so badly beat up.also whats your lastname?" I said to Spencer. "Achacellea." Spencer answered. "Ok we are here." I told him. "Help! My friend got beat up at school!"yelled so that he would get help. "Whats his name sweetie also whats yours becauseyour hurt too." One of the nurses asked me. "Spencer Achacellea. And im Crystal Kills but im more worried about him." I said as i start hyperventilating. "Calm down sweetie. We need to check on you." She said. "Ok" i replied.

~~3 Hours later~~

Spencer's pov

I was told that i had sugery, that if crystal hadnt picked me up and taken me to the nurse at school then taken me here then i would have died, and that they are going to call my parents. Also they told me that Crystal passed out from bloodloss and that she was next to me. I looked at crystal laying in the bed i thought 'how can that beautiful scrawny young lady be so brave to save me.......a boy that is a lonely, weird, crazy, nerdy, and so......quiet?' "Because i care about nerds and a kind gentle heart girl that has no are an absolute nerd ,spenc who is a wonderful young man who is in every nerdy way AWSOME and the new normal." Crystal said to me. " heard me?" I said blushing. "Yes i did. I heard from beautiful scrwany young lady to the end. And thank you......for calling me has ever called me beautiful......." she said to me blushing. "Well you should be called beautiful everyday by everyman in our highschool." I said to her. "Wait you dont have parents? So you live alone......that should not be....." i said to her. "So....." she said to me. Mama gurtrude and papa walk in. "Spencer...are you ok?" Mama gurtrude asked. "Yes." I told her. "Is this the girl that picked you up and took you to the school nurse then here?" Papa asked. "Yes and her name is Crystal Kills." I answered. ".......thank you girl......for saving my boy." Papa said to Crystal. "Your welcome........ugggg im going to have to go home soon but i dont want to.......uggggg." she said. "Papa,mama, she doesn't have parents." I whispered to them. "Ohh. How about you live with us?" Papa asked her. "You will let me stay with yall.......," she hoped out of the bed and huged me,mama,and papa. "Thank you so much....i just have to grab a couple things from there.....bye thank you again just wait for me in front of the hospital........" she said to us then ran off. Her beautiful brown hair with ocean blue tips, her golden red eyes, her snow like was all so perfect.......... "SPENCER!" Papa yelled taking me out of my trance. " you have a crush on Crystal?" Mama asked. "N-n-no!" I studdered. "Yes you do.....hehe" she said. "Dont tell her."i said. "Ok." Mama said to me. "You should ask her out spence...." papa said to me. "Im just worried that she has a boyfriend." I said to them. "Now shoo. Im getting dressed." I said to them. They walked out and i got dressed in a red plaid shirt and kaciks. And took out my phone and texted my best ghost friend, jordan, telling him that im at the hospital and im getting out now and to wait in my room and that there is a girl in my school that saved me and is living with me. I put my phone away then walked over to my parents. "Im ready." I told them "lets go wait for crystal" i said then took off to the door.

Crystal's pov

£[the next day at school]£

I waited for my friend adam or sky on his youtube chanel. Adam walked in the residing room to record me singing to spencer so he can connect the video to the tv's all around the school(in classrooms and in hallways) "you ready?" adam asked me. "yes I'm ready" I replied.

Hey guys
I tried to draw crystal I tried is all I have to say


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