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"MAX, BEING THE BIRTHDAY BOY DOESN'T EXEMPT YOU FROM CLEANING". Clary screaming as she entered the kitchen, to check that the boys were doing their job. After deciding that it was time to go to sleep, Clary had forced all present to help clean up before retiring to their rooms.

Clary became a worse war machine than in the missions when it came to cleaning. He had entrusted Magnus Alec and Kit with the dining room, where Max had now joined, and sent the rest of them to different rooms. Alec was throwing all the glasses and plastic plates into a black bag, laughing at the puffs he was hunting Max. Suddenly a blow to the head took him away from his thoughts bringing his attention to the direction of the trajectory.

"I didn't throw that." Magnus said innocently, pointing to the glass that was now at Alec's feet. Alec looked at him menacingly as Kit and Max laughed.

"Hey Max". Ty's voice stopped the laughter, bringing Max's attention to Ty, and also that of Kit, who looked at him like a beaten dog.

"Clary says you have to go there to do your duty. She must keep an eye on you". Ty said, not moving his gaze to Max.

"MY LIFE IS HELL". Max said in a cry of pain, which triggered the laughter of those present, except for Kit who kept watching Ty laugh. Ty was about to follow Max into the kitchen when he was stopped by the voice of Kit who called him.

Ty stopped for a few seconds on the threshold, before advancing as if it were nothing. Alec saw Kit lower his head with his eyes focused on the floor, clutching his broom in his hands and making his knuckles turn white. Alec turned to look at Magnus, who as if he understood his intentions was looking at him, and as if they were talking to each other with the eyes he nodded. Alec and Magnus approached Kit who didn't stop staring at the floor, as if it were the most interesting thing in the world.

"Hey Kit can we talk?" Alec said, pointing to the dining room door. Kit looked up and looked between the two boys, letting go of the broom, and following them up to the gym.

Alec and Magnus sat down cross-legged on the ground, with Kit in front sitting the same way. Kit's hands were tight and tight in a fist. Unlike Ty, Kit showed his nervousness in a different way, it was almost as if he was angry at being nervous.

"So what do you want to talk about?" Kit asked, his eyes turned down and his fists clenched. Alec looked at Magnus worry expression about Kit's condition. He had never seen him so upset, and when he sometimes was, it was always because of Ty.

"What happened when you went out with the others?" Alec wisely chose those words, not wanting to trigger a bad reaction to Ty's name. Kit raised his head and looked at Alec with a frightening emptiness in his eyes.

"Nothing happened". Kit said not looking away from Alec's eyes for a second. Kit was really a good liar, Alec knew it, but he also knew that a more expert eye like his would easily notice the way his knuckles became increasingly white, and how his cheek was slightly pulled whole, an obvious sign that he was biting the inside of his mouth.

"Kit you know very well that nobody can lie to me". Alec said putting on the same emptiness expression as Kit did.

"You could have done it if your feelings weren't involved in this, and if I didn't have ears". Alec said referring to the words he had heard from Kit when they entered the house. Magnus was amazed at the change in Alec's approach to Kit, he had become much colder, he didn't look like he was someone he cared for. It reminded him so much of the Alec he had known the first time, he hadn't seen him like this for a long time, al least with him.

"I wouldn't boast about the fact that you know when others lie to you Alec. You made a big mistake in the past trusting too much a person". Kit said between his teeth, trying voluntarily to end the conversation. Someone who didn't know Alec, could believe that those words had left him indifferent since Alec remained motionless with the same look, in fact in Kit's eyes there was a bit of disbelief in seeing that Alec hadn't react.

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