Chapter 8 - The Chase

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But THEN, Mr. Smart himself, GRABS ANOTHER GUN! Oh this guy is funny. I like him. He has an ass eating grin on his face. I slow clap sarcastically and he looks annoyed.

"Wow, how mature. *clap clap* So cool *clap clap*" I say and he looks even more pissed.

Then, all of a sudden, the driver makes a sharp turn. But since my feet are sticking to the roof of the car nothing happens to me. The guy with the gun, on the other hand... I mean, I feel bad for him. A little. Just a teeny tiny bit.

The gun flies out of his hand and I web the other gun to me and points them at him. I quickly put on the safety locks in case I accidentaly pull the trigger. I'm no killer.

The guy raises his hands in surrender and he's looking at me a little terrified. Theeennn... A sign hits him from the road and he falls out of the car.

Well. That was anticlimactic...

"Oh yeah! I nearly forgot!" I say and I jump in through the windowframe of the car and end up in the passenger seat. Thankfully, it was just two of them. I point the guns at him (still having the safety locks on. Still no killer!) and I can tell that he's getting nervous.

"Now. If you could please park right here by the-" I start but stop as the guy starts to speed. I look at him and he looks scared. I look straight ahead and see he's speeding towards a building. Since it's a little late, there aren't any people there.

"Woah! Dude! Stop! Slow down! You're gonna get yourself killed!" I reach my arm out to somehow stop him but he pulls out a gun and points it at me. The look in his eye will forever haunt me.

His dark brown eyes are filled with fear and regret. It was a pained look. He's lived one hell of a life. And not a good one. His upper lip is trembling, so is his hands. His grip on the steering wheel tightened and tears make their way down his cheeks. He lowers the gun and looks straight ahead.

"Get out Spider-Man. Please." He says, his voice hoars and clearly scared.

"Please, you don't have to do this." we were getting closer to the building which looked to be a... a gas station.

"I'll be with my love again."

He then brang his leg up and kicked me hard to the side, somehow having the strengh to break the door open and make me fly out of the car. That was no human strengh.

"NO!" I yell, hitting the sidewalk.

Then it's too late.


The car rammed into a gas station and blew up. The explosion was small and the car was set ablaze.

I just sat there on the sidewalk, watching the car burn. I may be a superhero but that... That... I didn't know how to react. I'm 15 for crying out loud. I shouldn't...- No. I chose this path. Now I'll have to suffer.

I carefully stand up, trying to balance on my shaking legs. The police cars arrive at the scene and I feel a hand on my shoulder.

"Are you alright Spider-Man?" A mans voice asks me. I don't respond.

I just stand there, my feet glued to my spot, watching the fire.

Firemen then arrive at the scene and start to take care of the fire. I only look around my surroundings once the fire is completely out. I then realize I'm still holding the guns. I walk over to a policeman and hand him the guns explaining they belonged to the other man and that I put on the safety locks. He seems relieved. probably thought I did something.

"How's...- How's the other guy?" I ask the policeman, my voice weak and vulnerable. The guy looks a little shocked from how I sound, but quickly pulls himself together.

"He only sustained mild injuries from flying out of the car and getting hit by the sign. He... He doesn't know about... this..." He points to the burned down car" ...Yet, at least what I know. We told the officers who's watching him not to tell him."

"I see. Th-thank you for your work." I say and I start to swing off. I think the policeman wanted to ask more questions. But he lets me leave.

I quickly swing home and enter through the window of my room. I change into pyjamas, hide my suit and get into bed. But I just lay there for hours on end, not being able to sleep. The mans face is plastered in my head and everytime I close my eyes I see the burning car.

In the end, I sit up and pick my phone up. The screen is very bright when I open it up, forcing me to close my eyes. So I quickly type in my password and lower the brightness. I check the time. 1:33AM.

I'm pondering what I should do. I can't message Ned or MJ. They're probably asleep and I don't want to disturb them. I go into messages and my eyes quickly locks on the name "Tony".

He's probably busy too. But a part in me just want someone to talk to and for some reason. He feels like the only option.

With shaking hands I click on his name and the chat box opens up.



Hey Tony

Sorry for messaging you this late

Can we talk?




I'm sorry if this chapter is a little disturbing! I hope that everyone is reading safetly!

Remember that you are all loved and that there are people in the world who care about you! And don't rob people!

That's All For Now Folks!

G'night, G'day and G'morning!


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