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This DeiSaku Story is based off of someone else's story that I've read a long time ago on YouTube. I'm recreating this story off of memory and will be creating the ending myself since I think the original creator never really finished their story the last time I read it, So I thought I would finish what they started in my own words on how I think they would've finish it.

 Just wanted to put that out there before someone starts screaming at me that I stole someone's story when i already know it's not mine. 

The reason I'm recreating this persons story is because it was such an amazing story to read and I want you guys to experience this amazing story yourself. So like i said this story does NOT belong to me! All credit to the original creator of this story! Also, I'm basing this off from memory so some parts may be me coming up on the spot because it's been SO long since I last watched it.

Oh, and if anyone knows or manages to find the original story anywhere on YouTube please let me know so I can give them a proper credit that they deserve, I don't want to be known for stealing someones story idea. Anyways, hope you enjoy~ 

DeiSaku Criminal in LoveWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt