Chapter Thirty-Nine

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They took me together. I lay in the middle of the bed on my back. John sprawled out at my side, limbs loose, wearing a lazy smile as he swirled his fingers over my skin. His erection pressed into my hip, but when I tried to reach for it, craving the feel of silk covered steel, he stilled my hand with a gentle touch.

He chuckled at my frustrated groan. "In a moment."

Henry, sitting on his heels between my legs, sent him an amused smile. "John sometimes likes to prolong his release for as long as possible."

I turned my eyes to my husband. "Why?"

His amber gaze followed his fingers as they skimmed over my belly and then up between my breasts. "It heightens the pleasure."


In answer, he simply nodded. His palm was warm as he flattened his hand over my breast. "Your nipples are so pink," he said, bumping his fingers, one after another, over my right one.

I shuddered beneath him. John, so adept at reading my cues, was proving to be a quick learner. Each time he had heard me sigh, felt me shiver, and watched my eyelashes flutter, he must have noted my responses and filed them away. He rifled through those memories now and employed them like the master tactician he was. His gaze drifted to my neck as he leaned down. He paused there, lips a millimeter from my skin. I drew in deep breaths, filling my nose with the alluring, exotic spice of his cologne.

It was strange, the way the mind and the body were connected. Several times over the past few days, I had walked through a room he had recently been in, caught a whiff of this scent, and stopped dead in my tracks, rendered breathless with desire. It was becoming a trigger for me, because I couldn't smell it without thinking of the last time I had been close enough to bury my nose in it.

John closed the distance between us on some small cue from my body, scorching a line of rough kisses down my neck. I felt a touch on my knee and looked to Henry. He met my gaze and dropped his hands to my thighs. Compared to the creamy paleness of my skin, his own looked even darker in comparison – more of a burnished bronze than deep olive. He curled his fingers in, dimpling my flesh, and then stroked his hands all the way to my hips. His broad chest rose and fell. In the low light, his eyes were like twin pools of liquid obsidian. He gripped my hips within his large hands and tilted my pelvis forward, toward him.

One hand dipped low, between my thighs, and he ran his thick fingers through my folds, pausing at my entrance. His eyes dropped to watch what he was doing, and for some reason, the sight of him staring straight at my sex drew as much pleasure from me as his fingers did.

All the while John continued to kiss me, lips trailing over my collarbone before grazing the side of my breast. Both of the men were touching me, but neither in the places I needed them to. I felt hollow without Henry's fingers filling me up, abandoned without the feel of John's nimble tongue stroking my nipple.

I curled my hands into fists and let out a frustrated growl.

Henry chuckled. "It seems she doesn't share your predilection for delayed satisfaction."

John lifted his head, pausing with his lips just above where I longed for them to fall. "Only because she hasn't yet been taught the joys of it."

"Later," I said, my body thrumming with want and need and impatience.

John sent me a devastating grin from inches away and then fastened his mouth over my nipple. Henry pressed the pad of his thumb to my clit and sunk his thick finger inside me.

My head fell back against the pillow. Yes, this was what I needed. I could come like this. Easily.

John ran his tongue over my nipple, paused to suck on it, and then repeated the motion, while Henry massaged my clitoris with his thumb and rubbed in and out of me in long, languorous strokes. My inner muscles tightened around his finger, and I shifted my hips beneath his hand, trying to find a better angle, wishing it was his heavy cock that filled me up instead. Perhaps I could take one of them after all, if I sat astride them.

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