Pirates ((kinda logince...kinda prinxiety..idk))

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Virgil's POV

I grew up as an orphan. My parents abandoned me and my twin sister when we were 5 years old.
Whatever happened to her I never knew; but me, I was sold into slavery, and forced to work for the East India Trading Company for almost 15 years. Until one day, when I was 19, everything changed.

It was a Saturday as I recall, and I was tending to the pigs in my master's farmhouse. I had only turned my back for a minute when I heard someone shout.
"BLASTED PIGS!!!" They yelled, and to be perfectly honest, I was trying not to laugh.
I turned to see a figure in a red coat walking away, covered in mud.
Whoever they were, they had messed up the Pig's food trough.
But I didn't notice until the next day.

I came into the farmhouse as usual and my master was waiting for me; and boy did he look cross.
"The pigs haven't been fed" he told me, and my face when white as a sheet. I knew what this meant.
"I-I'm sorry I d-don't know what happened-...please believe me!" I begged, but it was no use.
He reached behind his back and pulled out his whip.
I backed up against the wall as he raised the strands of rope.

Just as it was about to crack over my body, something grabbed my hand. I had a split second to see who it was, so I couldn't make it out. They had a large black hat and a red coat on.
"RUN!!!" They yelled, and I didn't need to be told twice. They ran off, still clutching my hand, and I ran aimlessly behind them.

My master started yelling and ordering the officers to go after me, but I kept running.
We ran through the town and suddenly dodged into one of the side streets.

We stood and caught our breath, our backs against the walls, and then the person started laughing.
They just hunched over, cackling their head off; I was confused to say the least.

"What's so funny?" I asked, finally having caught my breath, and they replied,
"Oh nothing" they said, still laughing, "just, come on, the look on your master's face when he saw the state of his pigs, ppfftt"
I have to admit it was funny.
The way this person saw the world was brand new and exciting!

They sighed and started to walk off. I stayed put, not really knowing what to do.
"You coming then?" They called back to me.
Confused I replied, "Wait what? You want me to come with you? But we'll be caught in a matter of days! You don't want me"

They can back to me and placed a hand on my shoulder, "yes, I do" they said, "because think it's about time you earned some freedom"
I smiled and graciously followed after them.
"Oh" they said, turning around, "what's your name by the way?"
I smiled happily.
"Virgil" I said, and they stretched out their hand for a handshake,
"Roman" they said, "now come with me if you want to not die"

I eagerly followed them. Roman lead me through back alleys and streets until we had reached the docks.
They sighed and let out a hearty laugh,
"There She is" they said, "my pride and joy!!"

When they had moved out of the way, I could see what they were talking about; it was a large black pirate ship.
Black sails, black wood, and a large black wooden carving of a dragon on the front.
It was magnificent to say the least.

"I know" they said, reading my facial expression, "ain't she a beauty"
They started to walk to the ship and I followed.

As we reached it and climbed aboard, the other crew members came over. They all had identical coats. Long, black leather with a signature colour on them.
The first mates colour was dark Blue
Roman's colour was red.

Suddenly, roman took off the hat they were wearing, causing long black hair to fall in ringlets under her shoulders. She was a girl!

I later learnt that the first mate's name was Logan
"Welcome aboard the Black Dragon" he said, and we shook hands

The sun was setting and I started to get cold, shivers running through me as we pulled out of the harbour.
Roman walked up to me and noticed.
"What do you think?" She asked gesturing to her crew, "you want in?"
She held out to me a coat identical to theirs, except my signature colour was Purple; and I loved it!

I eagerly accepted her offer and put on the coat, strapping a sword to my waist.
I felt complete.
And most importantly, I felt free.

I stood on the bow of the ship all night watching the stars, and feeling the wind in my hair for the first time ever.
Whoever this Pirate was, I owe her my life, and a great dept of gratitude.

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