Chapter 2

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Jordan's POV

I don't fall asleep. I just lay there listening to her breathes. Trying to ignore how fucking turned on I have been since I helped her out of that dress. She is very attractive, hot as hell, but I shake those thoughts out of my head. She needed me. I know this.

Her forehead is placed right against the middle of my bare chest. I am so afraid to even cough because I don't want to wake her. I knew she was small, she was one of the smallest kids in our class, but curled up against my chest she looked so tiny and so defenseless. Dakota is going to pay for what he did to her.

I try not to think about what happened to her. But I can't help it. I should've protected her. I should've been here when she got here. I should've gone with them last night.

I squeeze her softly. Her messy bun of brown hair tickles my face as I do that. I smile softly and relax a little bit. It wasn't my fault what happened. I know this, but I wish I could have stopped it. And all while she was freaking out about that, fucking Caitilynn was yelling and screaming at her. I had no idea what was going on in her head.

I feel her stir in my arms. I hold my breath as I look down at her. She brings her head up as she slowly opens her eyes revealing a pretty golden color. I smile before placing my lips against her forehead. The number of times she has stayed over at my house, or I at hers, we had never slept in the same room as each other. Let alone the same bed. I squeeze her in my arms again. I just don't want to let her go. I don't want anything to ever happen to her again.

I softly whisper to her, "Q, I am so sorry." I could feel my eyes start to water. Fuck I don't want her to see me cry.

She snuggles closer to me, "Jor, don't cry. Just get some sleep, and if you want, we can talk about this in the morning." Her sleepy voice was so cute. I remember calling her the first time Caitilynn cheated, she had answered with the same sleepy voice and honestly, it had calmed me.

I try to shake the thoughts from my head. She was right, I needed some sleep.


I wake up the next morning with her little face looking up at me. She quickly looks away then mumbles, "Sorry, you looked so peaceful sleeping there."

I smile and shake my head, "Don't worry about it, Q."

She sets up and slowly undoes her bun. I watch as her hair falls down her shoulders in a mix of messy waves and curls. I prop myself up on my arm as I watch her mess with her hair. She leans forward slightly resting her forehead to mine. "I'm hungry," she says with a smile.

"You know where my kitchen is at." I tease at her. She tries to push me out of bed.

"Please Jor, make me breakfast." She makes a little pouty face causing me to smile.

I stand up and slide on a shirt. She was watching me chewing on her bottom lip, fuck. I try to shake that from my head and say, "well if you want to eat come on."

She runs past me out of my room and runs down the stairs. I get down to the kitchen and she is already sitting on the counter with a banana. "Pre-breakfast snack." She shrugs at me.

Some days I swear her tiny ass could eat more than I can.

I head to the fridge getting out a dozen eggs and a pack of bacon. I'm going to make her an omelet. I set a pepper and onion on the counter and look at her, "You can cut some if you want."

Her face lights up as she hops off the counter. I don't know why but she really likes cutting peppers. Little weirdo. She carefully chops it into tiny squares as I cut up a little bit of onion. Then I start to fry the bacon.

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