Chapter 2 part 1-Hostage and Lostage

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You all get thrown into a cell you all then take the bags off your heads expect for Matt
Y/N: Matt clam down! Takes bag off Matt's head there see? Your fine!
Matt: aww my face my Face is back!
Patrick: We'll be back for you four.Eh at some point.
The two men leave you four.
Matt: OH GOD what have those scoundrals done to my beautiful face!
Tom: hits Matt in the back of his head* matt: ouch!
Tom: Your face is fine you dimwit. You alright Y/N?

Y/N: uh huh yeah I' alright,uhhh edd what's eating you?

Edd: Prison It changes a man

Tom: yeah. We've been here less than three minutes

Matt: oh baby I've missed you!

Edd: They seriously couldn't kidnap me WITH my cola Seriously??? What kind if monsters are they!! GRAHHHHH

tom: uhh


Y/N and tom: Edd wait! Dont kick th-

Edd kicks the cell bars with his foot as hard as he could

Tom: -The door!

Y/N: Uhhh
The cells opens slowly
Edd: haha! yes!!
Y/N: do be honest I didnt really expect that to work
Tom: Neither did I HAH look those idiots forgot to lock it!
Y/N: we better get out of here before they come back
You four start to run
Matt: Where do we go now?
Edd: I dunno yet some doors!
Tom tries to open a fake door while Matt looks at a mop and broom with...faces..? You and edd open a REAL door...but the two same guts were in there talking with each other
Patrick: Paul did you remember to lock up the cell?
Paul: do I look like an idiot who'd forget?!
Patrick: do you really want me to answer th-.....-at

You slam the door closed and you all ran
Paul: come on they went this way!!
Edd: finds a door* QUICK IN HERE!
You all ran inside
Paul: they're in here
They start to bang on the door
Paul: its locked!
Patrick: Paul go get the reinforcements!
Matt: GASP*
You all make dreamy face at so many weapons on the stack
Tom: you know if we're going make it out of here we are gonna need SOMETHING to defend ourselves with...
You all make mischievous faces and started to run around and get some weapons
Matt had a mop
Tom had a plunger
Edd had a spoon and a fork and you had a Broom, you and tom looked at the weapons weirdly while matt and edd felt happy with their wepons
Y/N: yeah these weapons suc-
Sirens start to turn on and lots of robots that looked like someone you four used to know started to come in the room
Edd: Hey wait a second...
Matt: there's no time lets go
Y/N: finally you say something smart in you life Matt!
Matt: Hey!
You four start to run again but you four get trapped around the robots
Matt: guys... What do we do now???
You all start to fight the robots. Matt smacked a robot with the mop, tom plungers another robot, and edd stabs a robots with his spoon and fork while you knock out 3 robots with your broom.
Edd: Hey guys do these seem..familar to you?
Y/N: yes...?
Matt: No. Not really
Tom: I mean MAYBE. a little?
Edd: well they kinda look like t-
Matt: DUCK!
Tom: a duck? Matt these look nothing like- Tom gets in the face by a robot*
Y/N: TOM! Tom gets send across the room
Matt: Edd, y/N there something ive always wanted to tell you guys
Y/N: well make it quick!
Matt: did you actually like my show?
You and edd: uhh n-
Tom then burts out of the robots
Tom: AAAAAAAAG!!! He then spits out the metal arm out of his mouth
Tom: Looks like I just had my daily intake of IRON
Y/N: Tom thank god your okay!
Tom starts running on top of the robots
Tom: Hey edd if I land this sick fill you and y/n own me 20$!
You And edd: we are not doing tom!!
Tom: whatever in still gonna do. Sick flip
you edd and Matt: WOOOO!
Tom was about to do a Sick flip but a robots grabs his leg and threw him down to the floor and tom falls on the three of you
Y/N: ARGH tom get off!
Tom: Edd get you hand off my face!
Edd: get YOUR face off my hand
you all scream as the robots punch and hurt you then a gun fired then you all froze 3 people walk in
Y/N: is...that....

To be Continued...

Word count: 823 words
Dang I must really like to write chapter 2 part 2 is coming tomorrow so don't worry I'll just hsve to wait till I come from school to make another chapter!

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