Untitled Part 2

65 3 2

Max: It costs $400 for therapy

Max: And it only costs $0 to tell myself it be like that sometimes

David: Max no-


Preston: *draws a circle around him*

Preston: Look! A pentagram

Neil: A pentagram needs a star in the middle

Preston: I am the star


David: Did you ever realize that screaming is just laughing backwards? "HA" backwards is "AH"

Gwen: Who the fuck screams like "AH AH AH"


Daniel: I'd kill you, but it's frowned upon in all 50 states....oh well, I'll do it anyway


Neil: He's so insufferable sometimes

Max: Remember when he found out that he could drink 2 CapriMoons at once?

Space kid running in with 3 CapriMoon: GUYS YOU AREN'T GOING TO BELIEVE THIS!


Gwen:...and then she said "I wish you died a long time ago!" And yeah that's why I don't go home for the holidays.

Gwen: So anyways, I'll have 2 number nines...


Teacher: Your son got into a fight today...

David: Oh no! Is Max okay!?

Gwen: Did he win!?


Max, pointing to something on a high shelf: Hey dumbass, can you get that for me?

David: Aw, you do need me in your life

Max: I could replace you with a stepladder any given moment.


Sasha: Y'all wanna go to the gas station and get some chips?

Erin: We're broke af Sasha

Tabii: Hell yeah chips

Erin: n-

Sasha and Tabii: chips chips chips

Erin: Fuck


Quartermaster: There's nothing a little paint and a minor exorcism can't fix


Nikki: Gimmie your fuckin' toes pal

Max: Come and take them, coward!

Nikki: ...You're lucky I don't have anything sharp to cut them off.

Max: Look if I die with my toes intact, I'm gonna be very disappointed.


Max: I couldn't sleep at all last night

David: When you can't sleep it means someone is thinking about you


Neil: *gay panic*


Space Kid: I've connect the 2 dots

Neil: You didn't connect shit

Space kid: I've connected them


Nikki: If I legally bought the Mona Lissa, Would anyone stop me from eating it?

Nerris: Free market, baby

Neil: I mean, no. But you would be deeply poisoned. Like. Super-poisoned. I cannot emphasize enough how poisoned eating the Mona Lisa would make you

Dolf: But Vhat a vay to go. You could only eat it once

Nikki: Forbidden snack


Kid David: It's dark here...

Kid Jasper: Don't worry I got this

Kid Jasper: *stomps heelies*

Kid Jasper: *slips and falls*

Kid Jasper: Dang it, I thought I was wearing my LED light up shoes!

Kid David: Hooey!

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