"Well, duh, I think that's kind of a given."

"Also, don't ask about their parents."


"First dates are when you really get to know someone. 'Where'd you go to school? Where'd you grow up?' That kinda shit. And that's fine, just don't ask her what her parents were like or anything of that nature. I still don't really know the full story, but they're, uh, not around anymore, and it's a touchy subject. Just thought you should know in advance. Also - they are suspiciously wealthy. Don't ask where the money comes from."


"Noah's a tattoo artist and Caroline has been a PhD student for the last six years; you can make a living on that, but not as much as they have. It's okay to admire, but don't ask. At least not yet."

"Okay...? Well, yeah, that is good to know. Thanks," Chris said, "Is it a bad idea for you and me to be dating sisters?"

"Probably. But it'll make for a hell of a story," Ricky joked, "Oh! I remember what I wanted to show you. I was working on this a little bit last week," Ricky said before beginning to search for a file on his computer.


"I feel like a mom sending her teenage daughter out on her first date."

"Noah, I'm two years older than you."

"You seem on edge, what are you thinking about?"

Caroline sighs, "Avery."

Noah pauses, a lump immediately beginning to form in her throat.

"She would've wanted this for you," Noah manages to choke out.

"I know."

Noah takes a deep breath, then forces herself back into happy-mode, "I just can't believe this is finally happening!" She exclaims, "Ooh. Have you Googled him at all?"

"I can't Google a guy I'm about to go out with! That's so rude!" Caroline says, "You're supposed to Google him for me and then gossip to me about it, remember? That's what I did for you when you started going out with Ricky."

"Oh, I'm already one step ahead of you. I'm gonna be honest with you, I couldn't really find any dirt on him. He's straight edge, his eyebrows are way better now than they used to be, he's written just enough songs about sex to give you an idea of what he's into - you should really listen to those - "

"It's the first date!"

"I can't really find anything bad to say about him. I wish you could see his high school year book picture though, because it is a treat."

"You found his yearbook picture online?"

"He's a minor celebrity, Car."

Caroline sighs, "I guess I forget about that sometimes."

"Don't worry about it, just focus on him, not his status. I'm gonna go feed Lucy and then I'm gonna go run some errands since I've got the day off. Do you need anything?"

"I don't think so."

Noah walks off to feed the python she kept in her bedroom. After doing so, she left the apartment, and Caroline was left to wait for her date.

They'd agreed to meet at noon, and at twelve o'clock sharp, there was a knock on the door. Caroline leaps up from the couch. She was fairly certain she knew who it was, but because she couldn't see and could never really know for sure, she asks: "Who is it?"

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