Chapter 8 (Explicit Content)

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"So, when's he coming?" Noah asks.

"In a couple hours."

"What all are you guys doing tonight?"

Caroline shrugs, "Probably just staying in, it's been raining all day today anyway. Make dinner, watch a movie maybe."

"Mhmm, sure," Noah says, "Now, are you sure you've made your intentions perfectly clear to him? Ya gotta be specific."

"I'm pretty sure me saying I was gonna stay the night is pretty specific."

Just then, Caroline's phone starts speaking.

New text message from Chris.

Caroline grabs her phone, "Read me the text," She says into her phone.

"Latex isn't one of your allergies, is it?"

Caroline facepalms - not necessarily in response to the question, but the fact that her phone had read it aloud in front of Noah.

"Hey, that's a legitimate question! He's being considerate!" Noah says.

"Don't you have your own boyfriend to go play with?"

"He's coming over after you leave."

Caroline responds to Chris to tell him that she was not allergic to latex and thanks him for asking, then she stands and walks off to her room to get away from Noah's pestering. She wished she could look herself in the mirror to make sure she looked good enough, looked sexy enough. She had to keep reminding herself that Chris already thought she was those things. She just wanted everything tonight to go well.

Chris arrives just when he said he could, and Caroline makes sure to get to the door before Noah.

Caroline opens the door and smiles, "Hey. Ready to go?"

"Ready as I'll ever be. You look gorgeous," Chris says, taking her hand.

Caroline smiles, then steps out and goes to shut the door, "Bye, Noah!"

"USE PROTECTION!" Noah calls.

Caroline tilts her head up, as if she would be looking at the ceiling if she could see. She sighs, then shuts the door.

"For the record, I think Noah's hilarious," Chris says.

"Well, I guess someone has to," Caroline says, "Shall we?"

They head down the elevator, to the car and head off. They chit chat about things like how their mornings went, what Caroline was working on for her class and her research, and what Chris was working on for the rest of the album. Chris held her hand as he drove, stroking the side of her hand with this thumb.

They arrive at the house and step inside. When they do, Chris brings Caroline into his arms and simply holds her for a moment. She wraps her arms around his torso and lays her head on his chest, listening to his heartbeat and breathing with him.

"What's this for?" She asks him.

Chris shrugs, "I'm just really happy you're here. And that everything with us has been going so well."

Caroline smiles, "I can't even begin to tell you how happy this has all made me," She says; she then tugs on Chris's black and white flannel that he was wearing over his shirt, "I like this. I'll have to steal it later on tonight."

Chris chuckles, "I think you'd look really sexy in it."

"We'll have to find out," Caroline says before changing the subject, "So. What's for dinner?"

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