1 Year Later (August 2013)

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Now that James is 1, we can bring him onto the Captain America Winter Soldier set. Filming actually ends in a few days anyway but he's been in and out of set. My mum often looks after him when he's not on set. The one person on set who I love at the moment is Sebastian. He's so so good with James and James adores him. We would film like one scene all day and that would tire both Chris and I out so much. However whilst we filmed this scene, Sebastian would be at the side just sat with James in his lap as he sat in his cast chair behind the camera. Yesterday we were shooting and it was just a normal take when suddenly I noticed in the corner of my eye, Sebastian pointing me out to James whilst he sat there. He suddenly said "Mummy." Which interrupted the whole take. I was laughing so much because Sebastian just sat there desperately trying to cover James' mouth aswell as going red in the face with embarrassment. Chris just smiled at me. Seeing as the take was ruined, I walked over to my baby and took him off of Sebastian. He apologised and I told him not to worry whilst laughing.

I stroked James' blonde hair as he looked at me and said "mummy" again. As I smiled at him I said "what is it baby?" He just smiled and pointed at Chris and said "dadda." Of which I say "yes that's dadda." He laughed. I brought him over to Chris as it was obvious he clearly wanted Chris' attention. Chris took him from me.
"Leave her alone you. You know the rules buddy." He laughed and poked James' nose. James was smiling with his two front teeth which were coming through ever so slightly. He said nothing but he began hitting his hands against Chris's chest and face. He used to do it when was very small and it still is something he does now.

Sebastian came over and took him back as we had to return and try to do the take again. This time he kept putting his fingers up to his lips telling James to shush for just a little longer.

It took about half an hour to do the take. Of which by then Scarlett and I were way too tired to do anymore. Sebastian let James down and he was walking about. "Jamie?" Scarlett said calmly as he turned around. She abbreviated his name quite often because it sounded cuter for her apparently. It was sort of like an unspoken nickname. She was crouched down waiting for him to run into her arms. He did exactly that. He ran towards her and was smiling. It was so sad though. He tripped over himself because he's not been walking for very long. He fell flat on his face. Scarlett ran straight over to him and picked him up straight away. James was crying prefusely. She held him tightly against her shoulder. Shushing him softly. Kissing him on his head a thousand times. Little kisses. She placed her hand on the back of his head and pulled him closer into her chest. I ran to get his little toy bunny hes had since birth and I gave it to Scarlett. James didn't leave her shoulder. She took the teddy from me and rested it up against him. She then sat down in her on-set chair and began to bring the teddy to life. Scarlett had named the toy Bluey because he was a blue rabbit and also Bluey is easy to say as a baby. She began using Bluey's arms to poke James's cheeks, which were still buried in her shoulder. She rubbed his back a little bit more but he was still sniffing and sobbing.

I felt so guilty for making him run over to me. I didn't know he was gonna trip but I still felt so bad. I reached into my bag to get a tissue to wipe his eyes and nose. I used my finger to push his face towards me and away from my shoulder. I gently wiped his nose and then dabbed his eyes. "My poor little baby." I said to him. "You are so brave." I said again. As I put the tissue packet back, I pulled out a little baby food pouch which was crushed strawberries. Oh my god it's amazing. Sometimes when I'm really hungry I'll have one myself. However James knows the strawberry ones are a treat only but I gave him one to have to stop him crying and also to help him feel better. I still had him hoisted up against my shoulder as I held Bluey and he held the food pouch. He sucked on it quietly as the tears started to dry out. I stroked his little cheek with my index finger before kissing his forehead. He didn't react but he just carried on sucking his strawberry food pouch. He eventually quietened down and was just sniffling.

After he finished his fruit pouch, I took the empty packet and shoved it in the bin. I sat down on the sofa that Joss insisted on bringing to every set we did. Chris handed me a tissue to wipe James' mouth which had little remains of strawberry on it. After I'd wiped it clean I smiled at him and gave him a little kiss on the cheek, followed by a nose to nose rub.

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