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We knew that yesterday James was super tired from being awake and having his bath so late and his dinner so late that Chris had taken the decision to give him his dinner before I got home. Therefore we could put him straight into his little bedtime all-in-one growth suit. Just a moment longer with him though. I didn't even care if the chair broke right now. It was quality time with my baby and my future husband. I loved him so much. I would literally do anything right now to be with him forever. The Perfect Score was the best job I will ever accept. I was holding James' hands with him. His hands were so small and soft compared to mine. I was bouncing him up and down on my knees and he was smiling. "Look at him Chris isn't he gorgeous." I whispered to Chris whilst still looking and smiling at James.

Suddenly I felt a warm breath against my neck. "He's ours." Chris responded before wrapping his arms around my waist and resting his head on my shoulder. He kissed my neck which made me flinch. I let go to one of James' hands and placed my spare hand on Chris' hands which were still holding my stomach. He placed my hand in between the two of his. I leaned around and kissed him with all of the passion I could. He gestured subtly to James who was letting out a little yawn. With help from Chris, I stood up and lifted James into my shoulder. He was cooing. Chris stood up, towering over me and went over to the draw to get James' little bed suit. He helped me to put it on him before I lifted James back up onto my shoulder.

Scarlett was bouncing up and down with James and rubbing his back trying to get him to calm down and settle down ready for bed. I went out of the room because I wanted to get a glass of water for Scarlett and I when we go to sleep.

As I gently swayed with James crested into my shoulder, he began to get quieter. At the start he was wriggling around and playing with my hair but now he's just resting with his head on my shoulder. I turned my head to look at him and his eyes were still open. He was so still and silent. I decided this would be a good time to put him to bed. I bent down slowly to put him in his cot when he reached his arms out for me. I ignored them and he began to softly cry. I held my finger out for him. He was still making sad crying noises and tears were falling from his watery blue eyes. When Chris heard James' little cries he came into the room to see what happened. He came up behind me and rested his hand on my shoulder. "What's wrong?" He asked me.
"I don't know. He just started crying when I put him down." I responded.
"He's been good all day. What have you done?" He said before laughing. I smiled and said,
"I think he just misses his mummy." I then lifted him up even though he was still wrapped up inside his blanket. I was holding him inside his blanket over my shoulder gently shushing him softly.
"Bring him into our room and just spend some time with him then. I don't mind." He suggested. I smiled and walked through into our room. I placed James on our bed and quickly got into my pjs. Once I'd done this I hopped onto the bed beside him. He was lying on his back with his head tilted and just staring into my eyes.

Seeing Scarlett lying there with James as they both would occasionally let out little giggles was the best sight. I was so happy. The two people I love the most lying there. So still. I walked over and joined them on the bed. I was staring at the love of my life as she stared at James, smiling to comfort him. I loved moments like this. We were a little family. No one could change that. I reached right over James to give Scarlett a kiss on her forehead whilst she was holding James' hand. I then sat on my phone scrolling through Twitter and laughing at various posts people had made about the avengers. Before I knew it, both Scarlett and James had fallen asleep beside me. Without waking either of them up, I successfully carried James back to his room and layed him in his cot, pulling the blanket that he had brought into our room back over him to keep him warm. When I returned to our room, I switched out the light and silently got under the covers. Scarlett still lay there perfectly still. It was as I was dozing off that she opened her eyes and smiled at me. I kissed her slowly as she moved closer towards me. Our mouths still connected. Eventually she pulled away and returned to her sleeping position. We were both asleep in seconds. Raising a baby is exhausting after all.

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