
    I awoke with the sun shining through my blinds into my room got in the way of my eyes. I have school in an hour. I shouldn't be surprised I do, Been doing this for eleven years. It was seven or seven something in the morning. My eyes were still adjusting to the orange, yellow sunlight as I blinked a few times. A knock was made at my door. I sat up, it was my mother. Who else could it be?

"Yeah?" I asked getting off my bed. I walked to the door and opened it to see my mother standing there with a bright smile on her face

"It's Monday, get dressed," she said as she walked off. She was already dressed. I stepped into my bathroom and did my usual routine. I picked out a black thick tank top shirt and high waist black jeans, red and black flannel jacket since it just went from winter to spring like that. I let my hair fall to my shoulders, nothing to much. I brushed my teeth and washed my face. I stepped into the room to see my mom already getting her things for work.

"Okay lets go" she said as we rushed out of the house into her car. It's always been just her and I. My father is on constant trips but my parents work hard to keep their marriage stable and strong. It makes me happy that after nineteen years of being married they work for it. The ride to school was silent. It was always like this, not an awkward silence. I knew she was thinking about my father just like I always thought of him. He's in New York, he fiends know when he'll be back but he said he'd call soon. He called everyday after he left but his shifts kept being moved so often, it's understandable. He couldn't call anymore as much but I know he's okay.

"Okay we're here..I'll see you later and please no more trouble Sabrina" my mother said looking stressed yet giving me a stern look. She already knew how rebellious I can get..I know it's bad but I don't know, I love a risk here and there and I can't help when people get on my bad side, even then I'm smart about it. I looked out the window to see kids walking in groups as the trees followed the wind.

"Okay got it, bye mom" I said exiting then car, shutting the door behind me.

"Bye" was the last thing she said as I shut the door and walked off into the crowd of students. I walked into the school pushing through everyone. I had been out of town before spring break meaning it was kinda of nice outside now. I've been wanting to see Evie, my best friend for over seven years. She was the one person I can trust around here. I stepped into the girls bathroom to see girls talking, smoking knowing that Evie would be hanging in here.

"Hey!" Someone said as I turned my body around to see Evie.

"Ah!! Just who I wanted to see!" I said as we both hugged like never before

"How was spring break?" Evie asked leaning against the wall

"Better than I expected, I was able to see my dad more often. He had to leave during the trip" I said shrugging it off

"At least it was better than mines" she smirked

"What did you do?" I asked but soon got interrupted

"Well well well..the lesbians having their secret conversations" we heard someone say from behind us before we could continue our conversation which happened to be interrupted by Angie. Angie Reagan, blonde, brown freckles and always had a dark red scrunchy in her hair, hates me because her ex boyfriend likes me and no longer her. She always found a way to get under my skin and every time she did Stevie would insist and hell me to take it easy. Except for that one time I pushed Angie down the a flight of stairs and she broke her ankle, she asked for it. Angie was going and on and on and I'm about god knows what until I grabbed a cigar from a random girls hand who was smoking near by and brushed it against her arm causing her to let a whimper and gasp of pain.

Good Fears Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora