Sleeping Hungry

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It was just after dinner in the Lamentation home as you laid in Beel's bed waiting for him to finish eating. The demon of gluttony was always the last to leave the table and tonight seemed like it would be no different. Playing on your D.D.D. while you listened to Belphie sit at his desk and work on his homework. You smiled at seeing how hard the sloth demon was now working since he had a lot of catching up to do since he missed a few weeks worth of assignments being locked up like how he was. He scratched the back of his head, clearly stumped by the current problem at hand making you sit up in bed. As you opened your mouth asking if he needed help, the door clicked open. You turned your attention to see a very tall orange-haired demon with a glazed look of tiredness in his eyes slowly sink into the room.  You couldn't help but chuckle. The very few times that Beelzebub was completely full he had such a look of a tired baby on his adorable face.

"Hey, Beel, did you get enough to- OOF," You said as the large man flopped himself down onto his bed landing right on top of you. You blinked in shock for a moment as you tried to comprehend the position you were now being squished in. Thankfully though the way Beel landed on you allowed your face to be the only thing visible in your 'cocoon.' Chuckling you were honestly comfy as you could hear Beel's quiet but deep sounding snores signaling that he had passed out in his food coma state making your eyes roll. You did your best to shrug away any thoughts of escape and you closed your eyes to try and just roll with the situation you were in. Unfortunately, your stomach had other ideas.


Immediately your eyes shot open as your face flushed with embarrassment. Despite having eaten dinner not too long ago, you were suddenly feeling peckish.

"Apparently you are rubbing off on me." You mumble at the demon squishing you who seemed unaware of your complaints as he snored on. Groaning you try to wriggle free from his grasp only for him to curl his larger frame around you even more. Looking around the room you see Belphie staring at you and trying to suppress a laugh.

"And just what's so funny?" You ask the sloth demon as he smiled.

"You seem to be in  a bit of a predicament." He said with a smile causing you to narrow your eyes.

"Oh haha, will ya help me out please." Belphegor shook his head making you frown.

"Sorry, no can do. Once Beel's out cold there's no moving him." He said as he shrugged his shoulder.

"But I'm hungry....." You whine making the sleeping demon grumble before settling back into his dream. 

"My brother should have a snack or two in his jacket." He said before turning back to finish the extra homework Lucifer had given him. Your eyes shot open at the realization. Whatever you snacked on in Beel's pocket you could replace in the morning when he was awake and you could move freely. You tried to wiggle and maneuver your hand down towards the pocket only to realize a new problem.

"Beeeeeelpie......" You cried out feeling more hungry than before. He sighed and looked back at you.

"Yes?" He asked waiting for a response.

"I can't reach....." You added showing that your arms snug firmly under your form which was snug firmly under Beel's form.

"And what do you want me to do about it?" He asked before fully swiveling his chair to look at your partly hidden face.

"Can you feed me pleeeeeeease..." You tried to put on your cutest face in the hopes of persuading the man. Belphegor stutter and blushed lightly at the expression before shaking his head to banish any particular thoughts. He sighed and stood up before walking over to brother's bed.

"Just this once, got it." He said as he reached down to pull a small brownie packet from Beel's jacket. You gave a tiny cheer as he opened it and brought it to your mouth. However, it did not reach your mouth. As soon as the package was opened Beel's purple eyes shot open and he leaned down to gobble the treat from his brother's fingers before you got the chance.

"My brownie." He mumbled before passing back out. You look back at Belphegor and make two realizations. One: It was going to be a long night. And two: it looks like you were sleeping hungry tonight.

Thanks for reading my first Obey Me story, this came to life during a comment conversation I was having with Denisse de la Paz in our Facebook Obey Me Masters group. Afterwards, I just had to fully write out the scene. I hoped you like it. Please feel free to message me about any other scenes you'd like to see played out.

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