Episode Seven | 07

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✧⚫【Episode 7 | The Trouble with the Still Living Stones】⚫✧

✧⚫【Episode 7 | The Trouble with the Still Living Stones】⚫✧

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Kyōka flew beside Kōyō who was power walking her way to the train station, holding the parasol as a cane, the kimono just right above the ground, enough it wouldn't get dirty.

Yokohama.. Where has she heard it.?

Walking less slowly, Kyōka perched itself in her shoulder, and just sat there. Kōyō paid no mind to Kyōka doing that and just watched as new steam train arrived.

Flying off, Kōyō watched as Kyōka went to the top of the train unnoticed.

Going over the counter, taking out her money, and payed a man who held the tickets.

"Thank you for traveling with us Miss, Stay safe." The man replied as he passed the ticket to her.

Accepting it with two hands, she nodded and smiled.

"Thank you for the kind words gentleman, may god keep you and your family safe soon." And left.

The man blinked.

Did he just saw a vision? Of him with a family of his own without having one yet?


Kōyō boarded the train and sat at one of the seats and looked out the window, Kyōka suddenly appearing out of nowhere.

Kōyō closed her eyes, and felt something rustling. Opening her eyes slightly, she saw the affectionate bird at her lap, laying down, looking like it it is melting with fluff.

Petting it and grooming it's feathers, Kyōka let out a few cooes. Kōyō just looked at her raven strangely.

Tickling the raven made it let out multiple caws.

'One could not really say that everything is normal..' She said in her head.
While petting the crow, Kōyō must've fallen asleep, because when she woke up, Kyōka was instead pecking on her hand.

Kōyō grabbed Kyōka's beak and did a swishing motion in her finger.

Kōyō purposely left her ticket at her other hand, and when she brought it to her view, she then saw a cut in it

'one of the workers here must've clipped it..'

Kōyō noticed from outside the window that she was nearing, so she said grabbed her parasol, and stood up, and started making her way to the exit.

When the train came to a halt, Kōyō came out and walked away far enough that Kyōka appeared again, a message to deliver.

"Caw! Hurry! Go to an Inn and question the owners and villagers! Caw!" Kyōka cawed before flying off to somewhere again.

Kōyō just kept walking and reached a near by village, different from her designated area.

She think is..

Looking at the villagers, they looked a bit dull. Kōyō's interest immediately quirked up.

Finding an Inn soon in, she went inside and to the register she went.

Looking over the counter and at the hallway, she saw nobody, but flinched when a voice called out to her that was in a hurry.

"Hey you! Don't go there! Those who enter there never resurfaced after those doors closed!" Turning around, she saw a woman who was hastily calling her away from the Inn.

Kōyō's brow went up as she walked out the Inn cautiously went to the woman holding who has her door opened and gestured to Kōyō to come inside quick, now holding a tight grip on her parasol's hilt.

The woman looked out cautiously, before closing the door with a relief. Said woman turned around, and let out a held in breath.

"Goodness me, that was close.." The woman muttered under her breath.

"Miss, may please tell me who you are and why you were against of me staying at the Inn?" Kōyō questioned. The woman looked at her before mentioning to follower her.

Still cautious, she followed alerted, and her grip on the parasol nearly dropped.

There were bodies turned to stones;

Some half way from the bottom or top, some just a part like a leg or arm, and other were completely turned.

Kōyō tuned to the woman horrified.

"W-What happened here?" Kōyō asked disturbed.

"My name is Sasaki, and this what would've happen to you if I was a minute or so late." The woman Sasaki said, gesturing to the people.

"I am just a medical practitioner here, I came her one day on the request of an old friend, yet when I came here, I saw people turning to stone the longer they were in that Inn. Nobody but me and besides you know of this." The woman explained out of ear shot from the people.

They walked until they reached a room.

The woman opened the door, and both went inside.

"I know you are a demon slayer, I've seen your kind before since I treated a few some time ago." She informed Kōyō.

"Oh? I suppose this is the rumored village where people are turning to stones?" Kōyō asked, asking subconsciously for a confirmation.

'My first mission and it is already troublesome!"

"Yes, please, whatever is inside that Inn, exterminate it. I am close to finding a cure to the people here, so please, defeat the demon or whatever creature is inside there." Sasaki said as she went to a bow that her body might fall over if she went lower.

"Sasaki-san, please don't bow to me that low, especially somebody nimble as me." Kōyō reassured.

Sasaki looked at Kōyō with unreadable eyes and nodded hesitantly.

"Very well." Sasaki said.

"Now, Please tell me what you know of this."

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