Prelude Part One

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"Ruo ganna sue eh Gracy, zan zedot rue neva lusa dare rue cute so. Na calla rue lusa, kensha moo ruo ganna, kensha moo ruo pure, kensha moo ruo core. Kie soul rue, I somba."

~Said a very gentle feminine voice.


The text above is written in a language that only her planet speaks called Nibrian (Ni-bear-re-an).

English Translation:
Your name will be Gracy, and don't you ever forget where you came from. How could you forget, it's in your name, it's in your blood, it's in your heart. I love you, my child.

Warning: This story is written in 2020-to current, in English language only. This as well as other chapters will use Nibrian language.

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