chapter ten. house of discovery

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            "More eggs, anyone?" Trudy inquires. I eagerly raise my hand, smiling as she puts two more spoonfuls of scrambled eggs on my plate.

            "Did you hear about Victor?" Patricia questions, a wide smile on her face. "He fell down the stairs and broke his leg!"

            Nina and I share an awkward glance. That happened because of us, but hopefully Victor doesn't know that.

            "Don't exaggerate, Patricia," Trudy chides.

            "Egg-aggerate!" Alfie exclaims with a loud laugh. "Nice one, Trudes!"

            "Terrible yolk, Alfie," Clarke responds.

            Chiming in with my own egg-related pun, I state, "Don't get too egg-cited."

            Nina whispers to Fabian, "I can see why she's best friends with Alfie and Jerome."

            Trudy, smiling at our puns, corrects Patricia, "It's a sprained ankle, that's all."

            Speak of the devil—"A very painful sprained ankle," Victor's voice says. He's at the door, limping. Is it bad that I don't feel bad that it was technically our fault he got injured?

            "Victor," Trudy says, "how do you do that, and with a limp, too."

            "Someone sabotaged that floorboard on purpose."

            Okay, now I feel a little bad. Mostly because if he finds out it was us—and I mean, we didn't leave it like that on purpose!—we're gonna be killed, suspended, resurrected, and expelled. In that order.

            "Oh, no. That floorboard's been like that for ages," Trudy states. "I remember telling you about it last year."

            In an ill-advised attempt to bring suspicion off any of us, but especially Fabian, Nina, and me, I pipe up, "That's right, I've tripped over it myself a few times."

            "Me, too," Fabian adds.

            "Haven't cracked our heads open yet. You should really get that fixed."

            Clarke questions, his glass of orange juice at his mouth, "Was that another egg pun?"

            "Up to you to decide."

            Victor narrows his eyes at us. "Someone is up to something. And I intend to find out what it is. And who."

            Amber and Mick's reconciliation party is in full-swing downstairs, with students from the other houses, although Nina and I have not arrived yet. We got ready together in our room and talked about our plans to investigate that key. As we go down the stairs to party it up, I ask her, "Are we seriously going back up there right now? Victor knows someone's been up there."

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