Part 1

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Barry had a long day at work. He had many cases to go through. He knew he could use his speed, but sometimes you have to go slow. When he finally had free time, he gets a call from Cisco about another meta- human was on the loose.

When he finally got back to S.T.A.R. Labs he was exhausted. If you knew Barry really well, it was bad if he was exhausted. He gets snappish.
"Dude! That was awesome!" Cisco exclaimed.
"Yes, while you were good you let him get a few hits in. You need to be more careful."Caitlin said
"Well, how would you feel if you had a fully busy day of work, go fight someone all while you have not slept in 24 hours." Barry snapped
Cisco and Caitlin stepped back. They were scared. The next thing they knew was Barry left at superspeed, probably to his and his boyfriends house. After he left, Joe walked in and saw their expressions.
"Ah, Barry finally snapped. I've been waiting for that." Joe said

Barry zoomed into his house, not knowing his boyfriend was there.
"Hey Barry!" Oliver said.
"Hi, where's the mail?" Barry asked.
"Here, did you know someone named Sebastian Smythe?"Oliver asked
Barry froze. He didn't think his last would ever catch up to him. Apparently he was standing there zoned out because Oliver was calling his name with a worried look in his face
"Barry are you ok?" Oliver asked.
"Y-yeah, just thinking. I do know who that is". Barry said
"Who I he?"
"Me" Barry said while looking down.
Barry ended up having to tell Oliver that by the end of middle school, his bullying got to far, he kept getting broken bones. His uncle had enough and wanted to adopt him. But, his Uncle was going to his Paris home with his Aunt. Barry moved in with them in Paris. His aunt and uncle wanted him to have their last name. Smythe. And it was Barry's choice to change his first name. Because who wouldn't want to when their name is Bartholomew. He changed it to Sebastian because apparently his mom wanted to name him that. Also it was his second middle name. He told Oliver that he got tired of being bullied. He decided to be more confident, and would stand up for himself. He became a snarky, playboy, and a bad-ass. He started becoming what he was running away from. A bully. He almost blinded Blaine with a slushier, etc. But he also told him some decent things from then. He was the captain of the lacrosse and glee club.

Oliver was impressed that Barry would tell him all this. And that he was a captain in two different things. Oliver realised that they have not opened the letter yet.
"You gonna open the letter?" Oliver asked
"Oh, yeah. I forgot." Barry said
He picked up the letter and opened it. It was about a reunion not only between the Warblers but also with the New Directions. They would also end up performing at an event that was hosted by Oliver Queen.
"Why are you hosting this?" Barry asked
"Felicity said that you guys are good and heard that there was going to be a reunion, so she thought it was the perfect time. She told me she pick two if the best Glee you were part of the best?" Oliver asked
"Y-yeah" Barry said
"I'm inviting Iris, Joe and team Flash to come. So you need to tell them." Oliver said smugly
"Why! Also Iris and Joe already know. Shouldn't we tell team Arrow too?"Barry asked.
"Yeah, now go call them and say you can go to both of them." Oliver said
Barry nodded and went over to his phone to call the number.
"Hello?" Someone said over he phone. It sounded like Jeff.
"Hi, I was calling to RSVP for the Warbler reunion. Also, say that I could probably perform." Barry said.
"Okay, I just need a name" Jeff said
"Sebastian Smythe" Barry said
"Ok, bye" Jeff said
He didn't hang up and could hear talking on the other side.
"Oh my gosh! Nick! That was Seb! We found him! He's going to perform and go to the reunion with us!!!!" Jeff said.
"Really! Can I talk with him or did you hang up?" Nick asked
"Oh I hung up"Jeff said
"No he didn't" was heard through the phone.
"SEB! Why didn't you talk with us after this long! Where were you!? What's happened?!" Nick asked
"Hehe, a lot of stuff happened. How about we meet up sometime before the reunion." Barry/ Sebastian said
"Ok, I'm in Central City. When are you coming?" Nick asked.
" Well I live in Central City. We can meet up at CC Jitters tomorrow at lunch if you want. I'll bring my boyfriend if you want?" Barry said
"Yes, yes and yes. See you tomorrow" Nick and Jeff said.
"Bye" Barry said

Barry walked back over to Oliver and told him everything that happened and that they were going to Jitters tomorrow.

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