First day

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Eve never thought she would wilfully study religion after graduating high school but here she was, sitting in the classroom with 100 other students waiting for the teacher to join them. Suddenly the door was jerked open and in stepped a tall man with shoulder length black hair wearing chunky Dr. martens. He was wearing all blacks and greys and silver rings glimmered on his fingers and in his ears. This can't possibly be the teacher Eve thought but to hers and all the other students surprise he was. With a marker he wrote PROFESSOR LANE with bold, black letters on the whiteboard and then faced the class.

"Welcome to religious studies 1, I hope you will enjoy this class"

Confidence radiated out of him and with his almost gothic look he was more than a little intimidating.

"Thought I must warn you," he continued," this class will be far from easy. 25% of you probably won't even make it through to next term."

Eve had a hard time focusing on following what he was saying just something vague about starting with ethnic religions. His British accent was distracting her so much that she didn't even notice when prof. Lane tried to ask her a question. She was snapped back to reality in an instant.

"Am I disturbing your daydreaming Miss...?"

" ... Jones, Eve Jones" Eve said, flustered and face turning a shade pinker. Fuck. This was not the right way to start the semester of, she said to herself.

"Well, Miss. Jones could you tell us why we no longer use the term 'Primal religions' to describe ethnic religions?", he said harshly.


Fuck, why am I taking this course.

She tried to remember the pages she had been asked to read to prepare for the course but she couldn't seem to remember anything with his scorching stare.

" I'm sorry professor, I can't seem to recall..."

He cut her off mid sentence, "Maybe if you had read the pages you were assigned you wouldn't embarrass yourself right now. Take this as a warning", he turned his back on her and asked the next question to a cute redhead who, of course, knew the correct answer.

She was angry now, why the fuck was that necessary, couldn't he pick on the other students. The first class and she was all ready off on the wrong foot with her annoyingly hot professor with his perfect hair and confidence. Ugh. Why pick on her, she didn't stand out in any way. Dark brown hair, Hazel eyes, nothing out of the ordinary. She was on the shorter side and had inherited her mother's athletic build, but not the boobs unfortunately. Instead she was cursed to never outgrow her A-cup bras, at least that meant going braless wasn't uncomfortable. Eve had never gotten much attention from boys, she didn't hang out with the ones that partied or drank a lot. That's why she'd moved to the UK to attend university, to live a little but mostly to put some distance between her and her very strict parents. Hating her new religious studies professor and embarrassing herself in class wasn't in the plan.

As soon as prof. Lane wrapped up the lesson Eve packed her things and walked briskly out of the door, avoiding his eyes as she passed him. This wasn't going to end well...

I hate (love) my teacherNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ