Chapter 14

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Chapter 14 : Remembering

Mina's POV

I sat there on the couch, with my eyes closed. Thinking hard.. Trying to remember..

"I'm married.." I opened my eyes to see a marriage certificate on the coffee table and a silver ring, my wedding ring.

I took a deep breathe, slowly remembering the past.

"I slept with another celebrity.." I stare at GongChan's photo which is on the coffee table too.

I sighed loudly and hung my head low. "This is so confusing!"

'Maybe I should just take a nap..'

I walked to my room and plumped onto bed. I closed my eyes and slept immediately.

A/N : This will be really short scenes, like sentences.

"Guys.. We have something to tell you all.."

"I love you Lee Mina."

"I love you too Jung Taekwoon."

"Ahh!" I sat up panting. I closed my eyes and placed my palm on my chest. I shut my eyes tight as there was a sudden headache.

"Yeobo!" Leo flung opened the door.

"N-Ne.." I said closing my eyes. The headache was gone.. Weird...

He closed the door and came to me. "It's late already.. Let's sleep."

I nodded and questioned. "Then why were you outside?"

"I was washing the dishes. The guys are all sleeping already."

I nodded and lay down on bed. "Goodnight oppa."



Hi~ It's been a long time since I wrote an Authors Note~! :D

Well, today is my Birthday (5th Dec) and on behalf of my wish (even though I'm not suppose to say but..) let my readers continue reading the next chap. XD

I know it's sort of lame but.. Haha.

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