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Sasuke didn't understand much of what was going on. Not because he was three again. No. That wasn't it at all. But it was because the woman he had gotten so used to calling "mom" was leaving. His "uncle" was there helping her leave. Bags were packed, boxes were closed tightly. His room was bare. He slept on a cot last night which was strange compared to the bed he was used to.

Sasuke watched the woman frantically pace around, periodically mumble to herself and fidget with her shirt hem. His uncle sometimes followed her and talked to her, saying things like "it's okay" or "he'll be fine". Things like this started a few months ago. She was already a very fidgety woman before present, as back then she'd jump at the sound of a needle dropping. Especially when the lost man he used to know as "dad" was there. Something happened that Sasuke missed. It led to his mom yelling, something she never did as he recalled. Then it ended with dad leaving and mom hurt. He was at daycare when most of it went down apparently. He's still pretty smart so he has guessed as to what happened, but.... He doesn't like what he came up with. Not at all.

Suddenly the doorbell rang, echoing across the mostly empty living room. Sasuke's uncle left his mom's side very briefly to answer it. Sasuke promptly ignored the ball he dully rolled around previously, instead he craned his neck out to the front door. In front of his uncle were two strangers, he noted. His uncle stepped aside and they walked right in; a man and a woman. Distracted by the newcomers Sasuke lost his balance and fell over, colliding with the floor with a small "umph" escaping his lips.

He watched, while still laying on his backside, as the strangers occasionally casted glances at him after approaching his mom.

"U-uhm..." Sasuke turned his head to the entrance. A boy no older looking than eight stood there, twidling his thumbs. "I-I wanted to say hi to mommy... Uhm." He continued to fidget.

Sasuke's uncle smiled softly, full of warmth. But his eyes had sympathy plastered all over, plain as day. Instead of guiding the boy to whoever his "mommy" was, he led him to Sasuke. "She's busy right now." Uncle said to the boy. He looked over his shoulder at the strange man who nodded for some reason. "Tamaki, this is Sasuke."

"Sasuke..." Tamaki, apparently the boy's name, repeated. Uncle nodded. Sasuke beat his uncle before he could get a word out next, "Tamaki." Sasuke pointed. Said boy grew nervous. "I-i-its rude to point! Please stop it!" Sasuke lowered his hand. He sat up properly.

Uncle smiled sympathetically for the boy's anxious behavior. "Now now, please get along, if not for you mom's sake. Okay boys?" With that, uncle left.

Now it was just Tamaki and Sasuke. Tamaki sat criss crossed on the floor, still fidgeting with his fingers. Sasuke tilted his head at the boy curiously. He stared at him intently with his dull black eyes. He noticed how pointed his ear were at the tips. And how, when he spoke, he could see very subtle canines growing. Perhaps it came with his ability- what did his teacher call them? Quirks? Yes that's right, this world called them quirks. Not jutsu.- whatever it may be.

"Why are you staring at me!?" Tamaki whined. Sasuke blinked. He shook his head, as if denying his accusations. He turned back to the dull green ball, plucking it up from the wooden floorboards. He turned back to Tamaki and presented it to the boy. Tamaki only stared.

"Now why are you staring at me?" Sasuke asked. He didn't let Tamaki answer as he shoved the ball into his hands, more so to stop the annoying fidget than anything else. "I'm Sasuke."

Tamaki hesitated. "Um-" Sasuke abruptly stood. He was pretty small for his age, even when he was approaching four in less than two months from now, so he didn't even tower over Tamaki's sitting form yet. "Do you want to play, Tamaki?"

Sasuke learned something about this "do-over" of his. If he was going to be forced to go through with it then he was going to do it right. Maybe Tamaki could be his friend? If not then oh well. He might just have friends in this lifetime. He might not. Who knows....

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 06, 2020 ⏰

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