Harry's Third P.O.V Part 1

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I instantly looked up and there she was, my best friend Hermione who took a seat next to me, while Ginny was sitting next to Ron. "Hey Mione', morning Ginny."  I replied while giving them a bit of a smile while Ron was tucking into his breakfast meal. "Honestly Ron, do you ever stop eating?" Hermione questioned him. He looked up. "I'm hungry!" Ron stated. Hermione just rolled her eyes after picking up a plate of 2 fried eggs, a sausage, baked beans, 3 rashers of smoked bacon, 2 slices of white buttered toast and mushrooms. And here I thought Ron was the one that was very hungry around here. " So, you looking forward to the ball tonight?" she asked. "Oh...... um...... yeah. I guess I am." I nervously replied. I then noticed a blonde haired girl sitting at the Ravenclaw table, away from the others, who was not talking to anyone, looking at her hands, before turning her attention to a drink that looked like a potion of some kind, then to her breakfast, eating and looking around nervously. "Hey, isn't that Neville's date for the ball Luna Lovegood?" I asked suspiciously. "Yes it is." Ginny answered. "Do you mind if I talk to her? She looks like she is lonely." "Um...... sure, I guess that's fine." Hermione said with a tone that resembled slight disappointment. I wonder why that is. I then went over to Luna. 

"Um, Hi." I said to her quietly. No reply. "I said Hi?" I stated a little louder. She looked at me. "Oh sorry, I didn't hear you there, by the way, are you Harry Potter?" she asked. "Yes I am, you are Luna Lovegood right?" she nodded, then asked "How do you know who I am?" she then asked. "Oh, um, I just heard about you from Hermione and Ginny, how do you do?" I offered a handshake. She smiled and accepted it. "Why are you sitting here alone? Don't you often sit with your housemates?" "It's so they don't infect them." I was confused. "What do you mean 'they don't infect them' " ?  "Wrackspurts of course. They are like mean invisible creatures that can only be seen in a special way." Okay, this girl is werid, but nice just the same. "Right... well I best go now. Bye Luna." she smiled and did a little wave as I left before looking back down at her hands again in addition to breathing a sigh of relief. Something is up with her, i can tell, i just don't know what it is but I got a feeling I will find out at some point. 

After breakfast was done, me, Hermione, Ron and Ginny went back to the Griffyndor common room to do homework. It only then that Ron started to complain about the difficulty of it. "Urgh! This is harder than what they normally give us." he said out-loud. I then stopped writing for a moment and looked at Ron, then looked back down and carried on. The homework went on and on for a total of 3 hours, as usual, Hermione was the first to finish, followed by me, then Ginny and finally Ron. Just then, Neville came in. "Harry, Dumbledore would like to see you in his office." he said. I nodded. "Okay, Hermione and Ginny, see you tonight before we enter the Great Hall, Ron, see you back in the dorm." I then made my way to Dumbledores office and when I got there, he was smiling. "Ah, there you are Harry. Lemon drop?" He offered. I nodded. "Thank you." And popped one into my mouth. "You wanted to see me Professor?" "Indeed I did and it is my understanding that you have spent a good lot of time with Miss Granger. Are you two, uh-" he began to ask. "Oh, no we're not. We are just.......... friends." It was difficult for me to say that word despite the feelings that I have for Hermione and tonight was the night that I will finally confess them to her.  "You know Harry, sometimes we have to make choices of what we believe is right." "Of course Professor."  "I trust that it is all?" he curiously asked. I nodded. "Well, off you go Harry." "Yes professor, bye." "Bye." I then left his office and closed the door behind me and sighed and began trying to figure out how I could tell Hermione my feelings for her. 

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