Harry's Second P.O.V Part 1

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(A/N) Hi readers, this is Harry's Second P.O.V Part 1, hope you all enjoy it.


I tossed and turned in my sleep. "Harry! HARRY! Help me!" I heard the voice of Hermione calling me for help, I looked up and there she was being tortured by the dark wizard who murdered my parents when I was a baby, Lord Voldemort. "You can't save her now Harry." he cackled. "Avada Kedavra!" Right before my eyes, there was a green flash and hit Hermione right before my eyes,  I ran to her side. "Hermione, please, stay with me!" I pleaded. "H-harry, just remember that I....I.....". Before she could finish, she died in my arms. I then woke up from my sleep with a fright, it was 7:15am so I had little time for breakfast, so I got out of bed to change into my robes, then head down to the great hall, I saw Hermione and Ron waiting for me, so I sat down next to Hermione as that was only free space available. "Harry, are you alright? You look exhausted." she asked me. "Hermione's right mate, what's up?" Ron repeated. "I...........it doesn't matter." By the look on her face, Hermione looked worried but she let it slide. 

After breakfast, I was taught about Quidditch and how it worked. Then a golden ball caught my attention. "What's this golden ball here? It looks fancy." I asked the coach, he smiled. "It's called the golden snitch, if you catch it before the other team's seeker, then our house Griffyndor will win." Suddenly the snitch sprouted wings and started to fly away before returning back to the box. A while late, it was time for the only spells class for the day as tonight was Halloween, I was sitting next to Seamus, while Hermione was sitting next to Ron. "Class get your wands out and repeat my movement, the swish and flick." and so, all of us did so. We then had to say the levitation charm on a feather, Wingardium Leviosa . "Stop, you are going to take someone's eye out doing that." I heard Hermione say to Ron, who was waving the wand over the feather violently. "Besides, you're saying it wrong, it's Leviosa, not Leviosar. " she pointed out. In a quite annoyed voice, Ron replied: "If your so smart, you do it then. Go on, go on!" and so Hermione did so and was successful. To my surprise, I did it also. "Ho ho, well done, see here everyone, Miss Granger and Mr Pottter have done it. 10 points for Gryffindor each." the teacher chuckled. Hermione turned to face me and smiled and I smiled back at her. Ron on the other hand, was glaring angrily at Hermione.

The class soon was dismissed and when we got outside, I was walking outside with Ron, Hermione was right behind us. " 'It's Leviosa, not Leviosar.' She's a nightmare honestly, I don't see how anyone can be friends with her." Ron said to me about Hermione, then Hermione stormed ahead in front of us, she was crying. I shook my head at Ron, "You know, some of us actually want to be friends with her." I replied and with that, I stormed off, away from Ron and after Hermione. "Was it something I said?" I heard Ron ask himself. A few minutes later, I found Hermione, her head buried in her hands as she was still in tears. "Her-Hermione?" I asked nervously. "Go away Harry! I don't want you to rub it in." she snapped. "That's not what i'm here for." She looked up. "What are you here for then?" I sat down next to her. "I wanted to apologise for not saying anything before, no one should have said that, yes, i agree that you are smart, but your not a know-it-all, trust me, i'm a man of my word, Ron was just being a git." Hermione's frown turned into a smile. "You're forgiven Harry, and thank you." She hugged me and I hugged her back. "Now, if you excuse me, I need to do my nails, and i'll see you down at the Halloween feast, reserve a seat for me next to you please? I feel safe whenever your around Harry." she asked me. "Of course, see you down there." I then left her with a smile on my face.

A while later, Hermione came down, her nails were painted blood red. She sat next to me, Ron and her exchanged looks. After a few bites, Hermione spoke: "I'll be back soon, I just need to go to the toilet." And so off she went, immediately after, Professor Quirrell burst in, looking terrified. "Troll! In The Dungeon! Troll in the dungeon!" Dumbledore stood up. "Thought you would have known....." Quirell then fainted and the students started screaming and panicking, I saw this as my chance to go to the dungeon to warn Hermione so I ran. When I got there, I was already too late as the troll had already entered the girls bathroom, where Hermione was, I heard a scream, it was Hermione's, so I entered. "Hermione move!" I shouted and Hermione did so, I got the trolls attention by chucking a stone at it. I took out my wand and yelled "Wingardium Leviosa!" and the bat the troll was holding levitated for a moment, before landing on the troll's head, knocking it out in the process. "Oh thank you Harry." Hermione smiled and hugged me tight, I hugged her back. Just then, Professor Mcgonagall came in with Professor Quirrell, Professor Snape and Madam Pomfrey. "Oh my goodness, what happend in here?" Professor Mcgonagall demanded. "Harry saved my life professor." Hermione answerd. "We should get you to the hospital wing Miss Granger, and as for you Mr Potter, i shall reward you with 20 points for sheer dumb luck, as it's not likely that a first year could take on a mountain troll." And so, we all left the girl's bathroom, I followed Madam Pomfrey and Hermione to the hospital wing.


(A/N) That's it for Harry's Second P.O.V Part 1, hope all you readers enjoyed it, so stay tuned for the next part.

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