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"The defendant Alejandro Sarnz has been found guilty on 21 charges of  first degree man slaughter and will face the punishment, decided by the jury, of capital punishment." The judge announced.

No one gasped or protested. There was no sympathy for the 41- year old who had been convicted of such a crime. Jordan looked over as her mother covered her half siblings ears and her step father squeezed her arm to try and show any form of sympathy.
Marceñez-Costello has covered up with a dark coat and cap so no one could recognise her. This couldn't make the tabloids.
People started emptying the room. Soon it was just father and daughter. "How could you dad?" Jordan let out. "Do something like this ? What about us?"
No reply. Of course not. Did this coward really care for his child? Jordan doubted so.
Looking at the man she no longer knew one last time in disgust, Jordan then turned away and left the room, leaving her father behind.

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