Chapter Eight: Smile Flower

Start from the beginning

That's easier said than done. But I don't dare speak those doubtful words and sink back into the pessimistic habits that have gotten me to this point in my life. A useless degree in journalism. Part-time jobs that come and go faster than you can say "I'm hired!" I've always moved through the motions of life, but have always been too afraid to stop and think about what I want.

What do I want?

"Zara, look at me."

I glance over at him, meeting his earnest, honest gaze. He doesn't show even a lick of exhaustion after spending nearly three hours on stage. If anything, he looks more awake now than ever before.

"Can't you see where 'yes' got you this time? A cross-country adventure with a lost k-pop idol? Free tickets to a concert? Backstage and on stage access with me? What twenty-something-year-old is able to say that?"

I huff, exasperated for him to be so right. "No one else."

He grins, the excitement eating up his face. "Exactly. And was it so hard to say 'yes' to an adventure with me?"

I frown, my pride not wanting to admit to how much I had enjoyed the last few days. Even if my body was exhausted from all of the driving and emotions that I had run through, there was no denying that it was the most comforting fun I have had in a long time. And it has been, arguably, too long since I last made a friend.

"Well...?" Soon Young prodded, squeezing my hand gently.

His adorable support won me over—at least, that's what I'll keep telling myself as I think back on this memory for years to come.

"Fine, yes," I laugh. "It wasn't hard to say 'yes' to you."

Soon Young's laughter blends with my own, catching the attention of a few harried looking staff members nearby. "That was the most disgruntled confession I've ever heard, Zara."

I squeezed his hand. "And it's the only one you're ever going to get out of me."

Soon Young opens his mouth to speak again, only to be cut off by an unfamiliar voice calling from behind us. "Hoshi! It's time to go!"

He drops my hand as if touching me had scalded him, and I quickly turn to see who is speaking to him from the stage's wings. It's another member of Seventeen, who's dressed casually in an oversized t-shirt and a pair of dark washed jeans. His hair, much like Soon Young's, hangs damply around his face, framing it softly.

"Shua, I'll be there in a second!" Soon Young calls back indifferently as he slowly rises to his feet and reaches down to help me do the same.

We step our way toward the backstage area, our feet fighting against our wills as we make our way ever closer to saying goodbye. The concrete hallways snaking behind the stage seem both endless and not long enough. We dodge staff members lugging around suitcases that I can only imagine are bursting with costumes, makeup, and hair styling supplies.

I stop us a few feet from the stage door, my hand resting lightly on Soon Young's arm. "Well, I guess this is goodbye."

I'm surprised by the sad tones of Soon Young's smile as he stares at me. Without saying a word, he grabs the hand that is resting on his forearm as he pulls me against him. His chin comes to rest on my shoulder as I hesitantly raise my arms to wrap them around his torso.

"Don't be a stranger, okay? Even if I'm halfway across the world, I am still someone you can talk to," he whispers in my ear, his breath warm against my neck.

All I can do is nod as I force back the tears threatening at the corners of my eyes. "I will."

He squeezes me tightly against his chest before letting me go, his hands rising to cup my shoulders as he stares into my eyes seriously. "Get home safe, okay?"

"I will," I reply.

With a deep, soul-wrenching breath I turn toward the black stage door. It glides open all too easily beneath my hand as I leave the building. The chill nighttime air of Texas greets me as I finally allow a few bittersweet tears to escape my eyes. I thought I would be okay when this crazy adventure was said and done. I thought I would return to my normal life and disappointing future. I wasn't expecting to feel like a piece of myself was being left behind, carefully cradled by Soon Young's hands. But now the question is: Who am I going to become without that sad, small piece of myself?

I walk out to my red car, to the vehicle that somehow managed to change my life across a matter of days. My keys spin around my finger as I jingle them around, my phone weighing heavy in the back pocket of my jeans as I cross the parking lot. The property around the venue is still alive with that post-concert bliss, with fans pushing toward the metal barricades that separate the staff lot from the greater property. The fans seem disappointed as my lone form crosses the parking lot without Seventeen in sight.

My phone chirps with the familiar sound of "KAKAO!" I smile to myself; Soon Young must have turned on the sound before giving my phone back to me. I open the door to my car and lean against it, my phone warm in my hand. The bright blue chat screen greets me as my eyes land on the yellow text waiting there.

"You're going to be great out there."

And you know what? I think he might just be right.


A/N: And that's a wrap on this fanfiction! It has been such an honor to explore Zara's journey with Hoshi (Soon Young) by her side. Although it may have taken me longer than I expected to write this story, I am so glad that I did. As always, stay safe and healthy everyone!

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