Chapter 25: An Unusual Exchange

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Then a boy suddenly stepped out from behind a corner (like a ghost, too; Aquarius hadn't noticed his presence) and begged the King and Queen (and later Aquarius learned; his father and 'mother', seeing how Auraidorian royalty gained their heirs from the ladies of other noble houses rather than the queen herself) that, if the King and Queen didn't have a use for Aquarius, then he 'would like to have her as a retainer'. (Aquarius later learned this meant that she was his bodyguard, basically.)

The deal was passed. Aquarius didn't remember much then, aside from the sheer hatred that coursed through her system as she was passed from one owner to the next, then glaring down at the shorter mint-haired boy when she was passed to him.

His expression of terror had made Aquarius pause.

Then he'd nervously asked to be her friend, which Aquarius scoffed at. Since she had been assigned be the boy's retainer and, with nowhere to go, she spitefully did as asked.

Then she met Gemini.

The bubbly, energetic girl had pestered Aquarius long enough, and under the combined pressures of Libra's kindness – where Aquarius found that it was impossible to hate the boy – and Gemini's friendliness, Aquarius eventually gave in. The memories they shared together were fond ones, and were the only ones that Aquarius could recall without grimacing or glaring angrily at the nearby wall. So here she was: following her only two friends in her life out on this... journey to end the war. And it had led to Libra, the person she was supposed to protect, being injured.

Aquarius let out another sigh at that and tried to glare down at Libra's tranquil face, trying to muster up anger at Libra throwing himself into yet another dangerous situation; but yet again, the anger refused to come. (Aquarius couldn't remember feeling directly angry at Libra – and even if she did, it would rarely last.)

Her head shot up as someone rapped on the door; two quick, precise knocks.

Aquarius frowned. Gemini wouldn't knock; she'd just barge right in. Who else could want to visit Libra at this time...?

"Libra? Are you awake? May I come in?"

It's... Taurus.

Deeming there to be no threat, Aquarius responded for the sleeping boy: "Libra is asleep, but if you do wish to visit him, then feel free to let yourself in."

Taurus nudged the door open. For such a tall, imposing figure (and such a brutally effective and violent fighting style), he padded through the room in almost complete silence.

"Good evening." He greeted Aquarius. "I wanted to check on Libra."

"He's fine." Aquarius responded, albeit a bit bluntly. "Just sleeping."

"I... see."

"It's a concussion." Aquarius filled in the silence. Not something she was used to doing, but with the silence hanging in the air... she wasn't used to there being actual silence. There was always someone to chatter away, sing, or... whatever; with a start, Aquarius noted how quickly she had gotten used to the Zodiacs being around. Maybe they've grown on me...

"Is there any lasting brain injury?" Taurus questioned. "I've heard of the more severe concussions causing amnesia or even seizures."

"No, not that I've heard of. I'm... glad." Aquarius added that part in a quieter voice. "I... failed to protect him."

...why am I opening up about this to him...?

Taurus, thankfully, did not laugh in her face. (Maybe it was because Aquarius knew he wasn't the type to do so – though Aquarius couldn't think of any of the Zodiacs who would laugh at her about it – so her mind had spilled some of her inner monologue.) "I understand the feeling. But... he is safe now. You did not fail." Taurus's green eyes glinted with something unreadable as he spoke. "Learn to forgive yourself, Aquarius. Otherwise the past will continue to haunt you... and eventually, if you do not let go, it will kill you."

Daybreak's Crest: A Zodiac StoryOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora