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"Nqrse-kun," he called out. "Do you think this is okay?"

A slightly smaller male with pink hair bounced over to the Prince's way. The albino lifted the ladle full of soup, blowing on it before letting the cook take a sip.

Nqrse had stepped back while emitting an surprised hum, "My Lord, this isn't okay at all! It is close to perfection!"

Mafumafu had shook his head, his face slightly pink due to the words of the head cook, "You need not to flatter me so much, Nqrse-kun."

But the pink-haired male had said otherwise, mumbling incoherent words of praise towards the son of the King. All he could do now is accept everything while giving out small giggles.

After practicing more dishes, the door to the kitchen had opened, "Mafumafu."

As the prince turned to see who it was, his eyes began sparkling as he set his sights on his favorite person.

"Soraru-san!" He smiled. "What brings you here? I still have two more dishes to finish."

The knight bowed his head before entering the kitchen, his hands behind his back. "Is it not okay to be checking on the prince from time to time?"

"O-Of course it's okay!" Flustered, Mafumafu had patted his hands on the apron he was wearing before turning back to his dishes. "It is your job after all."

The knight simply had a small smile on his face before turning to the head cook.

"What are you grinning about."

"After all this time of living in the castle, I've never seen Soraru-aniki smile like that before!" Nqrse had teased him. Soraru had walked over to him and bonked him on the head, telling him to focus on the dishes he will be preparing for dinner that night.

After the prince had placed his two dishes into a box, he washes his hands before turning around to help the cook.

"Ah, no!" Nqrse tutted. "You've done a lot in today's classes, Mafu-san! I can handle this much."

Mafumafu had stepped back and blinked before nodding his head in thanks, not forgetting to pick up the boxes.

He then falls into step with Soraru as they exit the kitchen to meet with Kashitarou. They slightly argued over who would carry the boxes, but the knight had warned the prince that it may seem suspicious for him to be holding anything at the moment so he had the situation in his favor.

As they went down the hall and took a left, they stopped at the first door they see. Soraru had knocked twice on the door before twisting the doorknob.

"Kashi." The prince began. "I wouldn't be having dinner tonight."

The supervisor pushes his glasses up before continuing in writing and signing away his papers, "I see. Is there any reason why? Perhaps, Nqrse is feeding you too much samples? Must I tell him to stop and ask for another teacher?"

"I'm just not feeling up to it tonight, so there will be no need to go through all those." The prince confirmed. "The cook is a great teacher."

Kashitarou had finally given a glance at Mafumafu's way before nodding. "Soraru."

"Yes, sir."

The knight then closes the door shut and then leads the prince to his room.

"You have around 33 minutes to pack your things," Soraru had whispered, causing Mafumafu's ears to twitch. "And then around 15 minutes before I can pick you up."

Smiling, the prince's tail swished around. "Okay."

He opens the door to his chambers for the prince to step in. Before he had a chance to leave, he felt hands pulling the door. He glanced over at the albino and see that his ears were drooped and his eyes were looking everywhere.

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Feb 22, 2020 ⏰

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