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Enough to make me think that I'm in a fairytale,

"That white dress looks good on you."

His hand reaches out to finish his dramatic pose, but as soon as he finished reenacting the scene from the book he was reading he had immediately felt the need to hide. He jumped back onto his bed, causing the book to fly off the mattress and land on the floor with a loud thud.

The book was of a fairytale that his mother had used to read to him as a baby while she was still alive, according to the words of his advisor.

After squealing into his hands, he rested his chin on them while his tail swishes from side to side. How will he be able to marry a princess if he can't even approach them properly?

Two knocks were then heard on the door. "Your highness, breakfast is about to begin."

He totally forgot. "A-Ah! I will be out in just a second!"

He scrambled off from his bed to quickly put over his casual wear, which consisted of a sky blue vest lined with gold over a white button-up along with a pair of black pants and brown ankle boots. Without bothering to check if he had worn it properly, he rushed to the door and opened it.

"I'm ready!"

The person looked at him with an unfazed expression. He checked him from his messy hair to his untied shoelaces, sighing before pushing the prince back into his room.

"Eh? What's wrong? What did I do incorrect this time?"

"You're turning 18 in a few months, and you still don't know how to properly fix yourself." He sighed before grabbing ahold of the brush that was on his desk. "Kashitarou might think that I've done something to you."

The prince hummed. "But all you did was take care of me, Soraru-san. I'm sure Kashi won't jump to conclusions like that."

Soraru had stopped his actions, breaking his facade for a second with a smile before he returned his attention to fixing his hair. "You did choose me as your knight for a reason, Mafumafu."

"How many times do I have to tell you that one 'Mafu' is enough?" The white-haired male pouted as the older had moved on to fixing his dress shirt's collar and bell.

The knight then picked up his crown. The prince frowned at this. "Soraru-san.."

"Kashitarou said that you must wear it at least every other day. You chose to not wear it yesterday, and you'll get scolded if you don't wear it again."

The younger's frown deepened, his ears drooping, but he didn't fight back once his knight had placed the golden item on his head.

Once Soraru had finished fixing up his shoelaces, he stands up properly and brings out his hand. "We shouldn't keep your advisor waiting any longer."

Still in his seat, Mafumafu had smiled at him and accepted his hand to lead him out of his room and into the dining table.

Due to Kashitarou's protectiveness, he had Soraru to accompany the prince to any place at (almost) all times as there may be a chance of something bad happening to the soon-to-be king.

It wasn't like Mafumafu minded it, though.

He liked being by his side.

"Another knight? Isn't Soraru-san already enough?"

Soraru glanced at the two, standing next to the prince's seat. He can sense the younger one's resistance to his advisor's suggestion to having another person to look after him.

The prince can be a handful, after all. Even though Soraru doesn't mind handling him on his own, he doesn't mind having another person around either.

"It's to be safer, Mafu. You don't know what could happen."

"Oh, so you think I can't handle myself even after all the trainings you put me through?"


The knight spoke, catching the attention of the prince. They simply looked at each other's eyes whilst the dark-haired male's short tail swayed from side to side.

Kashitarou is only worrying for him, and this is his way of showing that he cares for his safety. He knows that the white-haired male knows this, so all he wanted was for him to calm down.

Seeming as if all of that was conveyed just through one look, Mafumafu sighed before setting down his utensils and pushing away his plate. "I'll think about it. Thanks for the food."

He immediately stood up from his chair and heads off. Glancing at the knight, Kashitarou had dismissed him with a raise of his hand and received a bow from the male as he went off to look for the prince.

The advisor looked down this hands that were tightly woven together in stress. It was like that until he felt a pair of hands on his shoulders. He turned around to see Natalia, her hair now fully grey which caused her dark-striped ears to pop out even more. She smiles down at him and purrs.

He smiles back at her in return. "Sorry for worrying you, Mother."

He places his hand on top of hers, staying still like that just a bit longer.

As Soraru's pacing around the castle had skidded to a halt, he finally spotted the albino in the garden's swing.

He didn't want to admit it, but he hated it when those two have disagreements. It brings people closer to each other, sure, but sometimes the prince can be just a tad bit more sensitive and would end up running off to god knows where.

The first time that this happened while he was young and still in training, he had found him hiding in the pantry huddled up with this weird stuffed toy that Natalia had made for him. (He called it Mafuteru.)

He slowly made his way to the prince. He can see that he had taken notice of his presence as his ears perked up and started to wipe his tears away in a rush. He approached him from behind and began comforting him through petting head as he sobbed quietly.

"H-Hey, Soraru-san.."

The knight mumbled a reply as he continued to pet his head. The prince had continued to sniffle before returning back to what he was trying to say.

"You.. You believe in me, right?"

He frowned at this. "You know I do, but you also know that was not what Kashitarou is trying to imply."

Although his frown deepened, Mafumafu had nodded before the knight had walked in front of him and kneeled down. He had a small troubled smile on his face. He held both of the prince's hands and rubbed his thumbs over them.

"I'm sure that he is so proud of how far you've come, Mafu. All he wishes to do is to support you in any way. Please don't think ill of him. Sometimes his duties can get to him."

Soraru had kept his gaze on him the entire time, little hiccups escaping his mouth. The albino calmed down after a little while and soon returned a smile to his knight.

The dark-haired male stood up and helped him off the swing, "Now, we should be meeting the cook now for the culinary lessons you signed up for, right?"

The prince nodded, smiling brighter than moments before as he let his knight lead him by the hand. He bounded over to his side with his tail up high.

"We shouldn't keep him waiting!"

A/N: hi. i hate exams.
and my ex is irking me.
i love soramafu fluff it heals me.
i also love you who's reading this.
thank you.

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