he's MINE

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(Fanfic that was originally its own book but I wanted to put it in this book idk why ¯\_(ツ)_/¯)

(Also there's quite a bit of blood and death and stuff cos yandere lol that's all read or leave if u wanna it's up to u)

Cory's P.O.V

I walked into the school. My first day at Kraner High. A group of kids immediately came over to me. "Hi!" the girl greeted.

"H-hey..." I stuttered.

"Are you the new kid they've been talking about?"

"Yeah, I am."

"Well, feel free to hang with us! I'm Ashlie, and these are my friends, Uni, Jon, Nick and Adam."

"I'm Cory."

I began getting to know my new friends, and they seem really cool. It was when the bell rang that something else interesting happened. "Hey cutie," said a voice from behind me. I turned to see a pretty cute girl, her wavy brown hair flowing down to her waist and her ocean blue eyes looking into mine. She had skinny jeans that really brought out her shape and a crop top the went just above her bellybutton. "Hi?" I replied.

"Hm, I see you were admiring me."

"Ur... no I wasn't."

"You the new kid?"

"Y-yeah... I am."

"Look, I think you're pretty cute. Hit me up when you wanna hang out. Here's my number." She handed me a sticky note and walked away, leaving me blushing slighly. "You got a crush," Jon sang quietly. I slapped his arm with a glare. "Sh-shut up!"

That night, I was about to go to bed when I glanced over at my desk, seeing the sticky note that cute girl gave me. I went over and picked it up, along with my phone. I typed her number into my contacts and texted her. 'Hey so you never told me your name.'

She almost immediately texted back. 'Oh, the name's Zara.'

'Im Cory'

'So u wanna meet up?'

'Ya sure'

'Well im working tomorrow so monday?'

'What time.'

'Well skip school. Meet at park.'

'r u sure? I dont wanna build a bad reputation of myself.'

'U wont. Ill sort it out, just come on. Whats ur first class?'


'Omg same! Just for tomorrow, no one will notice were gone.'

'Uh... fine. But will you sort any problems.'

'Ye sure.'


'Mkay well sneak out of class. Mrs golieth wont notice anyway.'

'Ha okay see u then.'

'Bye cory.'

Shelby's P.O.V

"Shelby, the new boy arrived yesterday!" Ross exclaimed as I met him on our way to school.

"Really?" I asked.

"Yeah, he did."

"I wonder what he's like."


We arrived at school, and we met our other two friends there, Jess and Max. "That's him over there," Ross pointed at a cute looking boy.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 12, 2020 ⏰

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