Now that you had gotten rid of two of them, their chances of winning whittled down, so they decided to take you on collectively again. The remaining three rushed at you, quirks ready. You landed a punch on one guy's cheek, earning a kick to the chest from the last girl.

You bent over some, but it was far from the worst-hit you ever took. You latched onto the girl's arm and tried your hardest to use NR to spark electricity on her. She gave you a weird look and harshly shook her body, your frown due to your failure sailing straight over her head.

"Ugh!" You groaned but got back up on your feet. Luck must've been on your side today because a larger guy appeared out of thin air and grabbed the girl in a chokehold. You backed away, shooting an apologetic look towards her.

Just as you walked back into someone's chest, Power Loader yelled. "Time's up!" You could hear pounding footsteps as people walked towards the resting area, where towels and water were laid out for them.

Suddenly, you could see two figures approach you. Mirio and Tamaki had hurried over to you. Mirio looked excited, and Tamaki looked a little troubled. "You did great out there, (L/n)-chan!" He praised, one of his hands coming to rest on your shoulder. You smiled up at him. "Thanks!" Tamaki stepped forward a little. "B-but, nobody hurt you too bad, r-right?" The bluenette asked shyly, his eyebrows scrunched a little in concern. "I'm okay, Tama-chan!" You responded heartily, nudging his shoulder.

Tamaki blushed and hugged himself. "T-tama-chan...?" Mirio smiled at his best friend before turning towards you again. "We have to go get ready for our turn, but your classmates look like they wanna talk to you!" He gestured over to a section of the Battle Center, and you turned around, confused.

There was your class in all it's glory, most of them looking excited and in awe. Your cheeks reddened a little. You didn't know they'd be here! Mirio handed you a towel with a smile, and you flattened your gym uniform's collar to wrap it around your neck. "See you later, guys!" You waved and they both waved back in their respective styles.

You jogged over to your classmates -and Aizawa, who looked half awake and half asleep- with a grin. Mina hopped up and guided you by the shoulders towards the middle of where everyone was sitting. "Soooo, (Y/n)-chan~." Mina cooed, her smirk getting bigger with each syllable. "What's up, Mina-chan?" You responded; a little confused but content anyway.

A few of your classmates had turned away from the conversation, chatting to a friend or two or pointedly ignoring everything else. Most of the girls and some of the boys were engaging, though, in what was undoubtedly gossip.

"Those two guys were so quick to rush over to you, riiight?" Mina continued, tugging at the towel you got from Mirio as if to enunciate her point. Hagakure -who seemed just as excited as Mina was if her body language was any indication- nodded and giggled, lightly jabbing you with her elbow in a teasing way.

"Yup! I mean, those seniors did kind of do a number on me, hehe..." You giggled a little bit, a little confused as to where they were taking this. "So don't you think that...they like you?!" Mina yelled excitedly, shaking you by your shoulders.

You spoke as best as you could while being rocked, your words coming out in stutters. "T-they d-did what a g-good f-friend would d-do!" You greedily breathed in once Mina stopped. Mina huffed, before jumping to her feet.

"(Y/n) and her senior boys sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G!" She yelled into the air. You blushed fiercely, tugging her back down by the wrist. "Mina!" You hissed, embarrassed more than anything. Mina didn't look apologetic at all, and Hagakure gave her a cheery high-five.

You stood up to get away from her teasing, instead heading over to sit by the back of your group. You plopped down next to a boy with split red and white-colored hair. "Hi! I'm (L/n) (Y/n), what's your name?" You asked cheerily, hoping to forget about Mina's teasing by talking to someone new.

[REPLACED BY Slice/DISCONTINUED] BNHA (various) x F!readerWhere stories live. Discover now