Chapter 5- The Blueprint

Start from the beginning

"Hey can I get your help on something?"

"Uh, sure. What is it?"

"Could you track Grace's cell phone and let me know where she ends up tonight? Erin and Jay spotted her downtown earlier talking to some older guy, and I don't know. I don't know what to think about this one."

"Sure, Adam. I'll call you if anything comes up."

Adam spent the next hour trying to distract himself from all the thoughts clouding his head about what his younger sister could be up to. Right when he was about to give in and call Grace himself, Kim called with an update: She was at the Blueprint. Adam bolted out the door and drove downtown to the music venue. 

Waiting in line were mostly young, artsy looking students, a couple of them smoking weed. He parked across the street then flashed his badge at security. Once inside, no longer than a minute later did he spot Grace from the mezzanine. She was wearing a short black leather skirt with tights, a tight cropped shirt, black booties, and lots of makeup. Adam on the other hand was underdressed in jeans and a bomber jacket. Grace was huddled in a small group of people who looked to be crew for the venue and bands since they were all wearing lanyards and sensible looking footwear. Adam walked down the stairs and strutted over to his sister, ready to blast her for lying to him.

"Really, Grace?" he said loudly, garnering the attention of whoever she was talking to.

Grace immediately whipped her head around, "Adam? What're you doing here?"

"I had your phone location traced."

One of the older guys gave Adam a funny look, "Dude, who are you?"

Adam flashed his C.P.D badge. They all looked intimidated, except Grace who seemed annoyed. "I'm also her brother."

"Whoa, man. Nothing illegal is happening here." he replied, lifting his hands above his head.

"Yeah I'd like to think so, but she is 16 and this is an 18+ venue. Not to mention I know for a fact there's something going on between the two of you." he pointed to the older guy and Grace.

"You have no idea what you're talking about." Grace crossed her arms. "You sound insane right now."

"Look," a new voice that reeked of privilege sounded from beside her. "You may be some random cop, but my mother works in the state's attorney's office. We may not be 18, but we did not use fake I.D's to get in and we haven't consumed any alcohol. We've done nothing wrong except trespassing...hypothetically."

Adam nodded and laughed, "You must be Becca."

Becca had short wavy dyed blonde hair, perfect eyebrows and sweet smirk that said she could get away with anything. She was dressed similarly to Grace, but a bit more high end, thanks to the Cartier bracelet Adam noticed on her wrist.

"We're not doing anything wrong. Adam, you're making a scene," Grace complained.

"Am I? Well, consider this scene ended. You both are out of here," he escorted Grace and Becca away. "C'mon."

Once outside, the three of them walked by the concert-goers who were still waiting to be let in. Adam flagged down a cab for Grace's friend and Becca did not seem happy about their night ending before the show even started.

"Well that was a bust." Becca mumbled.

"You can thank my brother for that."

Adam overheard and corrected them, "Actually, you can thank Officer Burgess. She traced your phone and called me to tell me you were downtown at a club and not at a house in Hyde Park, like you said you'd be."

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