Something To Remember

Start from the beginning

"Can't you just tell me?"

Byleth giggled and used a teasing tone that Edelgard both loves and hates "I'd prefer it if you just try to remember it yourself"

Edelgard sighed but she did that.

She sat up, still barely wake making Byleth chuckle.

Edelgard thinking to herself.

What was today again...? Uh........... ....Today must be special since Byleth never gets excited like this on any normal boring working day...... Nghhhh

Suddenly it hit Edelgard.

The day the two have been planning to spend special time with one another on.

The day they planned on having a romantic picnic in the early morning of.

The day that Byleth had been annoyingly teasing Edelgard about and had been saying "I'm so excited to show you this place I found."

A day that Edelgard used to never care about.

It was Valentines Day

"Oh right! It's Valentines Day! Ack, I'm sorry I completely forgot!" and she quickly jumped out of bed making Byleth laugh.

Edelgard blushed a bit and was embarrassed "Don't laugh at me..."

Byleth was still smiling "Sorry but I can't help! You can be so adorable sometimes you know."

Edelgard gave her a frown which made Byleth giggle

"Alright, alright. I'll try to pack up the basket while you get dressed" Byleth winked and left the room.

A little while later...

Byleth was leaning with her back on the door of her and Edelgard's bedroom. There was a picnic basket on the floor and a present next to it. Byleth was patiently waiting for Edelgard to get ready until she suddenly felt the surface on her back started to move. She quickly stood up and looked behind her.

Byleth couldn't help but stare at Edelgard and whispered to her ear "wow... El you look so cute in that outfit"

"D-don't call me cute... especially since your cuter" El whispered back, looking down.

"What was that, I couldn't hear you?"

Edelgard knew this girl was trying to tease her "sorry I don't want to repeat myself."

"But I want to hear you say it again Ellie"

"Byleth... you must stop teasing me. Anyways we need to stop wasting time. We must leave and not wake anyone else up while we sneak out the palace."


A while later


It wasn't exactly anything new for them to sneak out like this but Edelgard was being taken to somewhere that Byleth would never shut up about. Not to mention they were holding baskets of food for their little Valentine's Day picnic.

And so when they snuck out the palace, holding the baskets, they started to walk to their destination that Byleth had been wanting to take Edelgard to for a while.

As they were on their way there, Edelgard asked something "Byleth, how far is it if you don't mind me asking?"

"It's only a few minutes. Gosh Edelgard I'm so excited to spend this morning with you there. Your going to love this place, I guarantee it!"

Edelgard smiled at her and they chatted a bit on their way

They would hold hands if they could but they can't due to the fact they were carrying things."

As a few minutes went by, a beautiful park full of beautiful red flowers was nearby.

Byleth smiled "We are here! This is the place"

"Wait that's the place? Wow! You weren't kidding about the red flowers but wow this looks amazing!" Edelgard was stunned by this beautiful landscape, red flower filled area.


Time skip to a small while later


Edelgard and Byleth have found a place to have their little picnic. Byleth put the blanket over the grass and they both sat on it.

Byleth was emptying her basket on the blanket which included a strawberry cake.

They ate chunks of it before giving each other their gifts.

"Tada! Here is the board game you want El!"

Edelgard was happy "You got this? Thank you so much Byleth"

Byleth kissed Edelgard on the forehead which made Edelgard giggle.

"Ok but it's my turn to give you something."

She got some weird familiar looking big teddy bear out of the bag and gave it to Byleth.

"So uh.. I saw you looking at this teddy bear in the store and you were looking at it for a while. Do you remember it?"

Byleth hugged the teddy bear, it was adorable. "I do. Thank you El."

She saw a red flower and grabbed it. She put it over Edelgard's ear.

"El... Your so amazing.."

She sat down next to her wife and they lean in towards one another

They give each other a long kiss and then Edelgard's head found itself lying on her wife's shoulder.

"Thank you Professor.."

Byleth was surprised "Professor!? Wow... I haven't heard you call me that in a while."

Edelgard giggled "Yeah, I wanted to see how you'd react to me calling you that."

Byleth stroked Edelgard's head.

Edelgard thought she hear Byleth's heart pounding for a second.

"Byleth.. You heart's beating pretty fast" It was Edelgard's turn to tease.

Byleth noticed and smiled.

If only they could stay like this forever...


Picnic / An Edeleth Valentine's Day Special Oneshot AUWhere stories live. Discover now