chapter two! our town.

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It doesn't take long for Harry Bingham to realize that he and Kelly were not "on a break" but in fact, broken up.

It happens in the ten days, where life becomes a little less easier and everyone in town seems to lock themselves in their houses wishing they could wake up to the people who made it home. When Harry Bingham finds himself at Kelly Aldrich's door one too many times, its during those ten days where he realizes she doesn't even need to say the words that it's over. He see's it when her hands are latching onto will the same way Allie did, and somehow that has him clinging onto Kelly even more. 

Because what was it about the homeless wannabe chef? What did Will LeClair have that he didn't?

After this, Harry doesn't let himself be sad over Kelly or everything else that happened. Instead, he invests himself in other activities; like drinking until he can't stand, or filling up his house with meaningless people who just want to party, or the live action game of fugitive that brought the only excitement to the town or his best friend Allie Pressman, who brought the only excitement to him.

There are lot's of distractions.

In those ten days, on the quieter nights of recovery, Harry let's Allie sneak into his house on the nights where he doesn't sneak into hers. There, they were safe; stuck in the labyrinth of boardgames, popcorn and chocolate on the warm carpet of his bedroom floor. They try not to talk who they we're suppose to be in this place, because the maze was the only safety net that Harry knew. Riddled with childhood memories and a version of himself that allowed him cling onto hope.

The blue-eyed Pressman girl has a theory that they are stuck in time, trapped between here and there and maybe it's their job to figure a way out. She talked about how she knew, whatever this story was going to be, that she wasn't going to be the heroine; that was Cassandra. And that's why they needed her: because she was going to be the thing that got them out.

And Allie Pressman was so convincing that a small part of Harry started to believe it too. 

During one of those nights of safety, Harry and Allie are lying on the plaid duvet covers of his bed trying to watch an action movie that Allie had picked out. As Harry stares blankly at the flatscreen, he allows the noise to drown out and suddenly the silence is deafening. It's finally quiet for a while.

When the movie is over, Allie shifts uncomfortable to face her body towards his.

"What if we end up here? You know. . . not just temporally." She whispers, Harry's can't help but hold in a breath as he finally turns towards her too, because she was suppose to be the optimistic one. She had always been the optimistic one in their friendship.

Suddenly the reality of their situation felt very real, and the worst part of it is that he knows she want comfort that he can't give her, so instead he unsteadily fiddles with the ends of her blond hair and waits for her to carry on speaking.

"What if we're just. . . stuck. And Cassandra never gets to go to Yale, and you don't get to go find a big city to live in and I. . ." Allie pauses, and he knows it's because she was so worried about everyone else she didn't have a chance to think about herself. Instead she sighs deeply, "What if we die here?"

"You'll still have me." Harry responds too quickly, finally letting out his breath. Allie lifts her head to look him in the eyes and everything is utterly still.

"Promise?" Allie says softly as she sticks out her pinky, and all he give her is a soft smile and his pinky too.


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