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A/N: Yes, I know that this chapter is much longer than the others :/ I decided to combine two chapters into one to increase word count. I hope you guys still enjoy the story! Please vote and comment! <3

"I wonder who Joker is. I'm afraid he might start hurting random students. Why haven't the Royals done anything about him? Do they already know who Joker is? If so, why haven't they exposed his identity?" Evie asked Seraphina as they walked through the hallway.

Seraphina wanted to tell Evie to not worry about Joker. John had told her that he would not beat up anyone else unless they harm her, but she knew she had to keep his identity a secret until he reveals it himself.

"I don't think he'll just hurt anyone, Evie." Seraphina had to carefully choose her words to avoid exposing John. "He's just ascending the hierarchical ladder; it means nothing to us."

Evie fixed Seraphina with a questioning look. "And how do you know that?"

Before Seraphina could respond, she heard commotion down the hallway. She and Evie rounded the corner to see Roland being beaten by a mid-tier.

"You filthy idiot! How dare you run into me?" The girl shrieked. Roland cowered in fear, trembling.

"I-I'm sorry Clio, I d-didn't mean to!"

"Save your excuses!" Clio was about to punch Roland when Evie, who was inspired by Seraphina to fight back, tackled her to the ground.

"What the-? GET OFF ME!" The blue-haired girl struck Evie in the face, stunning her.

"HEY!" Seraphina yelled, catching the attention of Clio before she continued hurting Evie.

"Oh hello Seraphina~" The girl leered. "How's the cripple life treating you? You want a part of this too, huh?" She grabbed Seraphina by her collar.

Seraphina rolled her eyes. "Just because I'm powerless, doesn't mean I can't defeat a lowly mid-tier like you." She slammed her head into Clio's chin, before following up with an elbow strike and a kick to the mid-tier's side.

Clio fell to the ground, yelping in pain. Seraphina stood above her. 

"Get lost."

"W-What?!" The blue-haired exclaimed in surprise. Seraphina walked over to Evie and helped her up. "Hey, are you alright?"

"Ugh... why am I so dizzy?" Evie groaned, slowly sitting up. She then saw Clio running towards Seraphina. "SERAPHINA, WATCH OUT!"

Unfortunately for the former Ace, the warning was too late. Clio punched her in the face, sending Seraphina to the ground in a daze.

That's strange, she doesn't even hit that hard. But for some reason, I'm seeing double! Her punches are making me dizzy!

Clio was about to punch her again when all of a sudden she was punched in the face by another student. The hit sent her to the floor, groaning in pain. Seraphina's vision cleared and she saw John standing in front of her, looking at her in concern. "Sera, are you okay?"

"I'm fine." She accepted John's hand and stood up. "Nice timing."

"Oh great, the other cripple is here," Clio stood up, irritated. "Don't worry, I'll put you down too!"

Before John and Seraphina could do anything, Evie jumped up and activated her ability. Her hands suddenly became illuminated. She put them over Clio's eyes, blinding the mid-tier. "We told you to leave us alone!" She yelled.

"AUGH! Let go!" Clio shoved Evie to the ground, blinking rapidly to regain her vision. Seraphina took the chance to land a punch on the disoriented girl, before John followed up by grabbing her face and clocking her with his knee.

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