Confused // 2

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C o n f u s e d 

          Chuck Eddington has never been more confused in his 20 years of life on Earth. The small girl in from of him was the most perplexing girl he's ever met. He's been sitting next to her for a little over two weeks, and they've never talked until now. In fact, he was sheepish to admit that he's never even noticed her. 

          When he first woke up from his nap, he didn't expect to him a brown haired beauty to be leaning over him to write on his paper. He was hoping she was writing her number, but he glanced over her shoulder to see little flowers on his his paper. 

          Wanting to get her attention because her long hair was tickling his stomach, he grabbed her hand. When she looked at him everything was red including her neck and ears, but he found it oddly adorable. She started stammering, and he couldn't help but laugh at her behave.

          She almost looked pained, and he worried that he was gripping her hand to tight, but it was as loose as it could be without freeing her from his grasp. 

          He slowly let go of her hand when class the dismissed, and she gave him a last look before scurrying to the door. He leaned back in his chair, not wanting to get up just yet. The girl came back into the room, and he wondered why he was pleased. He called her his little Picasso, and decided to tease her more by accusing her of asking him on a date. 

          Chuck had never regretted his actions before this, but seeing small tears in her eyes sobered him up. She backed away from him, and his chest squeezed. She didn't deserve his ruthless teasing, even if it was harmless. He chaste himself for not thinking of her feelings. 

          This was all a revelation for Chuck because he never even considered considering somebody else's feelings before. During his inner self loathing, he noticed she was gone. He shrugged his backpack over his shoulder and jogged towards the door. 

          He needed to approach her with an open manor, so she's not a nervous around him. So what was he do? Spins her around, causing her to flinch. Could he do nothing right today? 

          He perked up slightly when she agreed to go to the Cafe with him. He chose the Cafe mainly because he didn't get to have breakfast, and it was well past lunch already. 

          He glanced at her out of the corner of his eyes. She was still clutching her shoulder bag strap and looking around nervously, but he couldn't help but notice that she was beautiful. It was going to be a long day, and he didn't mind at all. 

          Chuck Eddington grew frustrated easily, and the sight in front of him frustrated him to no end. When he and Lolly, whose name he just found out, sat down, people started pulling chairs up to sit at their table. It normally wouldn't have bothered him, but Lolly was clearly uncomfortable. 

          That's what frustrated him. Plus, he wanted to get to know her.  He was supposed to get her to warm up to him, and these dimwits were making it worse.  All of the people here were his friends, or friends of friends, so he knew each one of them, but he doubted Lolly did. 

          The only bright side of this was that Lolly kept inching her chair closer to his. At least he liked him better then the people at the table which included 6 boys, and only 1 girl. 

         Chuck gripped his pen and resumed copying down Lolly's 3 page notes. He didn't even realize he missed this much material during his nap. His phone buzzed, and he saw that it was his brother, who he hasn't talked to in a couple of months. 

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