Chapter Two:He Can Joke?

Start from the beginning

It's not like Stiles was chewing with his mouth open or smacking his lips. It's just the crunchy-ness of the chips.Stiles had no control of it and that's Derek's problem if he didn't like it.

The rest of the pack settled into the car still rowdy, Stiles didn't understand how seeing that it was late at night and none of them had rested just yet. Scott poked Stiles on his neck and Stiles swatted Scott's finger away from him. Stiles could hear giggles from Allison, he hated the trip even more.

"Sleeping beauty has awaken." Scott said dramatically and Derek started the car.

"Fuck you." Stiles muttered under his breath, he was pretty sure the only person who actually heard him was Derek.

Derek pulled out of the parking lot and onto the main road. Everyone lapsed into a conversation except for Scott because apparently he wanted to bug the living shit out of Stiles. He tossed a hot chip into Stiles' nachos and Stiles looked back at him with a glare.

"Stiles, why won't you talk to me?" He whined and Stiles turned back around.

Stiles had reached for the radio only to have Derek smack his hand. His hand stung for a couple of seconds but recovered quite quickly.

"What the hell?" Stiles stared at him wide eyed.

"Driver picks the music,shot gun shuts his cake hole."Derek grunted and Stiles stood there stunned.

Did he just make a supernatural reference.Did this shitty mother- fucker just quote Dean. Stiles looked at him with wide eyes and a mischievous smile.This fucking douche actually watches my favorite tv show.

"You just-" Stiles started with a grin.

"Shut up."Derek glared at him and Stiles laughed delighted.

Is he embarrassed?Do I have new leverage against this wolfie. Ohohoho this is gonna be fun fucking with him. Stiles had a wicked grin playing at his lips.

"You are screwed." Stiles  announced and Derek groaned still looking at the road.

"Stilesss." Scott called and Stiles could feel his attitude change completely.

"Why are you talking to Derek but not to me?" Scott continued to pester him.

"Because Derek's not as big of a dick." Stiles stated and Scott gasped.

"Are you actually pissed at me?" Scott sounded hurt but Stiles kept his anger going.

"Well give this wolf a star he's finally got it." Stiles grunted and took another nacho from his plate thing.

"I'm pretty sure I have a bigger dick then scott." Derek murmured and Stiles half choked on the nacho that was half way down his throat.

Derek looked at him with amusement in his hazel eyes and Stiles felt his whole face go hot. He just made me blush, this cannot be happening. Stiles ducked his head so that Derek couldn't see his red face but it was to late Derek was laughing. Derek Hale was actually laughing.

"Stupid pup,with your stupid jokes.TMI by the way." Stiles glared at him and he raised an eyebrow at Stiles.

"Tmi?" Derek's head tilted like a puppy's would if it were confused.

"Too much information."

"Oh..." Derek tossed his chocolate wrapper in the plastic bag by Stiles' feet.


By now everyone had finished their snacks and knocked out. Everyone's garbage was in one big plastic bag. Stiles only had his gummy worms left but was too full to eat them.

Derek yawned and finally decided to open his red bull. Stiles checked the clock on the radio.'3:59 am'. He tapped his fingers on his thigh boredly. He  found out something new,when Derek's tired he tends to ramble but he stopped. Stiles hoped he would start again because he starting to get bored again.

"So when did you start watching supernatural?" Stiles tried to make conversation and Derek smirked at him.

"About your age maybe older." Derek stated casually.

"Well I'm seventeen old are you?" Stiles wanted to get as many answers as possible, he wad tired of wondering.

"I'm twenty." Derek took another swing at his energy drink.

"You're not even old enough to drink legally." Stiles snorted and Derek glared at him.

"I'm old enough to kick your ass." Derek growled and Stiles glared at him.

"Like to see you try." Stiles challenged

It was Derek's turn to snort,"Cute."

"I know I'm freaking adorable." Stiles retorted and Derek rolled his eyes.

"How do they deal with you on a daily basis." Derek looked at Stiles sideways and Stiles felt his mood flatter.

"They don't." Stiles murmured and he could instantly see guilt in Derek's eyes.

Another thing Stiles had learned.When Derek is tired he's an open book.He can't hide his emotions for shit,and honestly Stiles liked it. He liked knowing how Derek felt,even though Stiles hated his guts. It was nice to know that he had an impact on someone.

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